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Dr. M.R Dinesh

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Dr. M.R. Dinesh was born on 05 May 1959 in Kodagu district of Karnataka. He studied at University of Agricultural Sciences and obtained B.Sc (Hort.) M.Sc (Hort.) and PhD (Hort.). He started his career in the ‘Division of Fruit Crops’ at the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research as Scientist S1 and presently he is heading the institute as Director, IIHR. He has worked on the breeding of papaya, guava and mango for more than two decades. He started his career with papaya breeding programme and has released two gynodioecious varieties ‘Arka Surya’ and ‘Arka Prabhath’. He was one of the team members in mango and guava breeding programmes, which resulted in the development of one guava variety ‘Arka Mridula’ and one mango variety ‘Arka Udaya. He has released one pink pulp dual-purpose guava variety ‘Arka Kiran’. He has collected, evaluated and characterized more than 500 varieties of mango. He has handled several foreign aided projects during his career so far. He has to his credit more than 50 research papers on fruit breeding in national and international journals. Dr. Dinesh has guided seven M.Sc students and two PhD students. He has published five catalogues, two books and he has contributed chapters for six books especially on fruit breeding.

Important Publications:

Research papers

  • M.R. Dinesh, C.P.A. Iyer and M.D. Subramanyam, 1991. Combining ability studies in Carica papaya L. with respect to yield and quality characters. Gartenbauwissenchaft, 56(3): 81-83.
  • M.R. Dinesh, C.P.A. Iyer and M.D. Subramanyam, 1991. Genetical studies in Caricapapaya L. ActaHorticulturae, 321(1): 152- 155.
  • M.R. Dinesh and C.P.A. Iyer, 1992. Coheritability studies in Carica papaya cv. Waimanalo. Gartenbauwissenchaft, 58(4): 180-181.
  • M.R. Dinesh and I. S. Yadav., 1998. Half-sib analysis in guava (Psidiumguajava). Indian J. Hort., 55 (1): 20-22.
  • C.P.A. Iyer andM.R. Dinesh, 1996. Advances in classical breeding and genetics in mango. ActaHorticulturae, 455 (1) ; 252-267.
  • M.R. Dinesh, A. Rekha, K.V. Ravishankar, K.S. Praveen and L.C. Santosh, 2007. Breaking intergeneric crossing barrier in papaya using sucrose treatment. ScientiaHorticulturae114: 33–36.
  • M.R. Dinesh and C. Vasugi, 2010. Phenotypic and genotypic variation in fruit characteristics of guava (Psidiumguajava L). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 80 (11): 998-9, November 2010.
  • M.R. Dinesh, C. Vasugi, R. Venugopal., 2013. Heritability studies in mango (Mangiferaindica L.). ActaHorticulturae,992:321-324.
  • M.R. Dinesh, G.L. Veena., C. Vasugi., M. Krishna Reddy and K.V. Ravishankar., 2013. Intergeneric hybridization in papaya for ‘PRSV’ tolerance. Scientia Horticulturae.161: 357-360.
  • M.R. Dinesh, C. Vasugi , K.V. Ravishankar., 2015.Morphological, molecular characterization and breeding for biotic and abiotic stress in mango (Mangiferaindica L.). ActaHorticulturae., 1066: 37-46.

Book Chapters /Manuals

  • G.S. Prakash and M.R. Dinesh.2007. Biodiversity of Tropical Fruit Trees in Biodiversity of Horticultural Crops-Ed by. K.V. Peter and Z. Abraham, DAYA Publishing House. 28pp
  • K. V. Ravishankar, M.R. Dinesh, LalithaAnand and G.V.S. Sai Prasad. Genetic diversity analysis of mango in India using RAPD Markers and morphological characters. Tropical ecosystems: structure, Diversity and Human Welfare. Proceedings of the International Conference on Tropical Ecosystems. K. N. Ganeshaiah, R. Uma Shankar, K.S. Bawa (eds), 762-765. Published by Oxford-IBH New Delhi.
  • M.R. Dinesh and C. Vasugi.2012. Production Technology of Tropical Fruit Crops Mango, Papaya, Guava . Published by IIHR, Pages 01-13, 39-48 & 49-59.
  • M.R. Dinesh and B.M.C. Reddy.2012. Physiological basis for growth and fruit yield characteristics of tropical and sub-tropical fruits to temperature. In Tropical Fruit Tree Species and Climate change. Bioversity International New Delhi.
  • M.R. Dinesh Hemanth. K.N. Vasanthaiah, K.V. Ravishankar., D. Thangadurai., P. Narayanaswamy., Q. Ali., D. Kambiranda and S.M., Basha. 2011. : Mangifera., in Chittaranjan Koleed: Wild crop relatives: Genomic and Breeding Resources Springer Publications.
  • M.R. Dinesh, C. Vasugi and C.P.A. Iyer.2012. Floral Biology, Cytology and Breeding. In ‘Mango vol.1- Production and Processing Technology, Published by Studium Press LLC, USA. 82-11.(21)
  • K. V. Ravishankar, Kanupriya, A. Rekha, A Upadyaya, C. Vasugi, N. Vijayakumari, PoojaKishnani and M.R. Dinesh.2013. Omics approach es in tropical fruit crops: In OMICS Application in Crop Science-(Ed D. Barh),CRC Press Boca Raton, Florida, USA, 285-324.


  • M.R. Dinesh, 2014.Genetics and Breeding of Fruit Crops (As a volume under the series ‘Frontiers in Horticultural Sciences’). NIPA publishers, ISBN No. 978-93-83305-51-3300.
  • M.R. Dinesh & R. Chithiraichelvan, 2014. Papaya. Jaya Publishing House.
  • M.R. Dinesh, C. Vasugi, K.V. Ravishankar and Y.T.N. Reddy, 2012.Mango Catalogue, Director, IIHR, 468
  • M.R. Dinesh, 2010. Papaya catalogue, Director, IIHR, pp 56.
  • S.N. Pandey and M.R. Dinesh, 2010.Mango---ISBN 978-81-7164-071-3(DIPA) ICAR, pp153
  • M.R. Dinesh and C. Vasugi.2002. Catalogue of mango germplasm, Director, IIHR, pp160.

Awards & Recognitions, Patents, Inventions, etc:

  • ICAR Jr. Fellowship for post graduation
  • ‘Amrapali’ award from the ‘Society of Sub-tropical Horticulture’
  • Shri Giridhari Lal Chadha Memorial Gold Medal from the ‘Horticultural Society of India’.