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Off-campus Training on Good Agricultural Practices for Pineapple Organized by CHES (ICAR-IIHR), Bhubaneswar

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An off-campus training on “Good Agricultural Practices for Pineapple as an Intercrop” was organized by the CHES (ICAR-IIHR), Bhubaneswar on 31st August, 2021 at Balanda, Boudh under the RKVY project. The training was conducted at the model farm of a CHES beneficiary, Sh. Sangram Kesari Pradha who has developed a demonstrable mango + pineapple intercropping model under the technical guidance of CHES (ICAR-IIHR), Bhubaneswar. More than 40 fruit growers of Boudh, Sonepur and Deogarh participated in the training program. ATMA, Sonepur and Horticulture Department, Boudh facilitated the participation of fruit growers. Dr. G. C. Acharya, Head I/c, highlighted the activities of CHES, Bhubaneswar for the benefits of farming community and significance of pineapple intercropping in enhancing income of mango-based farming system in the state. He advised the participants to make his farm profitable by adopting viable technology. Dr. Kundan Kishore, highlighted the good agricultural practices for pineapple cultivation as an intercrop. He told that shade intensity, quality planting materials, raised bed, mulching and drip irrigation were vital components for ensuring higher quality yield. Sh.  G. Digal, AHO, Harbhanga, Boudh also highlighted the farmer-oriented schemes of the Horticulture Deptt and encourage the farmers to equip their farm with drip, mulching material and farm tools  by availing schemes. Sh. Sangram Pradha, Boudh, encouraged the participants to adopt mango + pineapple intercropping system as he was getting assured profit. He told that he could increase his income by more than two folds as market channel was available (Reliance Fresh). Sh. Pradhan informed that Palli Vikash Farmers’ Producer Group (Pitambarpur, Boudh) was formers to facilitate marketing channels to growers. Participants were exposed to scientific production technology for pineapple cultivation as an intercrop. They were told that even under high density plantation of mango (5m x 5m), about 25% are can be effectively utilized for pineapple cultivation wherein more than 2500 plants can be accommodated in an acre. Importance of shade intensity, planting materials, planting time, mulching, drip, nutrient management and crop regulation by using hormone was highlighted. Participants expressed satisfaction over the training program and expressed their willingness to cultivate pineapple between the rows of mango. The program was coordinated by Dr. Kundan Kishore with the help project assistant.