Sample Heading

Sample Heading


In rose, the flower bud malformation is mainly due to infection by downy mildew or infestation by thrips.  Te downy mildew occurs during Aug-Dec. period, whereas thrips infestation usually occurs during the remaining period of the year.

Tomato fruits harvested at break to turning stage can be stored in the cold storage at 12±1°C with about 90% R.H. for about 4 to 5 weeks. Then rise the storage temperature to 20°C for 1 week to get good colour. They can be kept for 3 to 4 days after taking out from cold storage. Pink tomatoes can be stored at about 10°C and firm red ripe can be stored at 6 to 8°C.

During wet conditions of the year especially during June-October period, tuberose  gots severely affected by a fungus called Sclerotium rolfsii.  The disease is quite devasting.  Prior to the onset of rains the dry and renascent leaves are to be removed because they trigger the first infection and then the fungicide Thiophanate methyl (Topsin-M) @ 2g/l should be applied to the basal parts of the plants.  This may be repeated depending on the occurrence of the disease.

Tomato can be stored in polyethylene bags of 100 to 200 gauge thickness with 0.5% ventilation.  The storage life of breaker fruits can be extended upto about 15 to 20 days at ambient conditions by this packaging.

0.2 to 0.5g leaf or seed material is required for DNA fingerprinting work.

During wet conditions of the year especially during June-October period, tuberose  gots severely affected by a fungus called Sclerotium rolfsii.  The disease is quite devasting.  Prior to the onset of rains the dry and renascent leaves are to be removed because they trigger the first infection and then the fungicide Thiophanate methyl (Topsin-M) @ 2g/l should be applied to the basal parts of the plants.  This may be repeated depending on the occurrence of the disease.

  • Harvest at optimum maturity. Sort, grade and select good healthy fruits.
  • Wash in clean water and surface dry. Pack in Polyethylene (100 guage) film without vents or in Polyethylene of    200 gauge with 1.0% ventilation
  • By this packaging storage life can be extended to 12 days from 3 days at room temperature.
  • By individual shrink wrapping of the fruits, storage life can be extended upto 12 to 14 days at room temperature.

Rs.20,000/- (approx.) for each variety.

There are numerous varieties suitable for temperate, sub tropical and tropical conditions. Depending on the temperature conditions prevailing at a particular place, the various varieties can be grown so that consumers have a choice of variety of mushrooms. For e.g. in summer milky and paddy straw mushroom can be grown, in monsoon oyster, milky mushroom can be grown and in winter button, oyster and shiitake mushrooms can be grown. However under controlled conditions, any one desired species can be grown all year round. This becomes cost and management intensive and also leads to monocropping which is not desirable.

The spawn is available at IIHR, Lal Baugh. Although some private spawn makers claim to be selling spawn, the quality is always a question mark. Hence it is advisable either to purchase spawn from known research labs or make your own spawn, the training for which is imparted at IIHR Bangalore and NRCM Solan.

Yes they are being accepted by the court of law.

Capsicum can be stored at 7 to 8°C after packaging in polyethylene bags (100 gauge).  The storage life will be about 40 days + 3 days at room temperature.  Individually shrink wrapped capsicum can be stored upto 50 days +3 to 5 days at room temperature.

It is always advisable to use fresh spawn (within one month of its growth). However spawn can be stored in refrigerator for 30-60 days. The spawn of milky mushroom and paddy straw mushroom should not be stored at low temperature. The productivity becomes lower, spawn running period increases, contamination incidence may increase with older spawn. In oyster and milky mushroom fruiting may start within the spawn packet if stored for long.