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Fruit Crops
Sl No. | Crop Name | Variety / Hybrid Name | Description | Image |
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Teasel gourd Variety: Arka Bharath A high yielding Teasel gourd variety:
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Pummelo Variety Arka Anantha It is a clonal variant of pummelo accession-25.The tree is medium size (2.0-3.0 m) with drooping branches and it bears fruits in two season in a year. The fruit weight ranged from 0.9-1.2 kg, oblique fruit shape and has pink pulp, TSS (11-12°B), acidity (1.2 %), sweet in taste with low level of Naringenin (160.60 ng/ml) as a bitter principle and suitable for fresh consumption. It can yield an average of 80-90 fruits/plant/season after 4 years after planting and average yield of 200-250 kg/plant/year in 10 years old trees. |
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Pummelo Variety, Arka Chandra It is a clonal variant of pummelo accession-18. The tree is medium size (2.0-3.0m), with spreading branches and bears fruits in two season in a year. The fruit weight ranged from 0.8-1.0kg, spheroid fruit shape and has creamy white pulp (White group 155 A), TSS (11-12°B), acidity (0.89%) and sweet in taste with low level of Naringenin (344.75 ng/ml) as a bitter principle and suitable for fresh consumption. It can yield an average of 35-40 fruits/plant/season after 4 years after planting) and average yield of 180-200kg/plant/year in 10 years old trees. |
4 | Mango | Arka Udaya |
Semi-vigorous plant type, fruits are medium sized with bunch bearing. The fruits have the peel colour of Anmol and with the pulp characteristics of Amrapali, firm and deep yellow pulp, high TSS (24 0Brix) with better keeping quality (12-15 days). |
5 | Mango | Arka Anmol |
The pulp recovery is about 70-75%. Keeping quality is good. |
6 | Rambhutan | Arka Coorg Pitab |
High yielding promising selection from open pollinated progenies from Courtrallam.Tree:semi spreading; regular bearer and a mid-season variety. Flowering in February - March. Fruits: yellow in colour, ripening in October. Fruit weighs about 25-30 g. Aril: white, juicy and sweet. The yield is about 1200 to 1500 fruits/tree |
7 | Rambhutan | Arka Coorg Arun |
It is a selection from open pollinated seedling progenies from Dakshina Kannada. Tree: Semi-spreading, early maturing, medium size. Flowering in February - March. Fruits: Dark red coloured; ripen in September - October, weighs about 40 - 45 g, free stone. Aril: white colored, thick, firm, dry and sweet, not attached to testa /seed. The yield is about 750 to 1000 fruits/tree. |
8 | Custard apple | Arka Neelanchal Vikram |
A high yielding custard apple variety developed through clonal selection. It has high yield potential (69 fruits/plant); fruit weight (211g); TSS (23.5o Brix), sugar/acid ratio of 53.8 and a long shelf life (5.5 days). It was released by SVRC, Govt. of Odisha in 2016. |
9 | Custard apple | Arka Sahan |
Average fruit weight is 410.0g.High TSS ( 30.0°B), fewer seeds ( 9seeds per 100g pulp), high pulp recovery ( 70.0%) and good shelf life ( 6days). On an average, 12 tonnes of fruits can be harvested / ha. It requires assisted pollination for fruit set. |
10 | Papaya | Surya |
It is the offspring of Sunrise Solo x Pink Flesh Sweet. It was selected from F14 generation. Hence, seeds can be produced by bagging the hermaphrodite flowers or by crossing the female flowers with hermaphrodite flowers. The plant is gynodioecious in nature with no male plants. Fruits resemble Sunrise Solo in shape. The plants are shorter compared to Solo. Skin is smooth, becomes uniformly yellow in colour on ripening. Fruits are medium in size of about 600 to 800 g with a small fruit cavity. Pulp is about 3 & 3.5 cm thick, deep red in colour and sweet with a TSS of 13.5 & 15 Brix. It does not have the odd flavour. Keeping quality of fruits is good. Yield per plant is approximately 55 & 65 kg (60 & 65 t/acre). |
11 | Papaya | Arka Prabhath |
Gynodioecious variety with good yield potential , has good keeping quality (storage life of 9 days when stored at RT of 25-30°C), fruit surface colour has a (redness) values of 26.3, firm pulp (5.9 kg/cm2 ), good TSS (13%), sugars (10.7%), acidity (0.28%), Vit C (43.6mg/ 100g), carotenoids (3554µg/ 100g), lycopene (1469µg/ 100g) and pulp colour values (L-brightness 36.3; a-redness 16.8 & b-yellowness 21.0). |
12 | Guava | Arka Poorna |
The plants are semi- vigorous in growth habit with prolific bearing, hence suitable for medium to high density planting. The fruits are round, medium to big in size (200-230 g) with smooth, shiny pericarp. The pulp is firm, white with thick outer rind, good flavour, TSS (10-120 B) , ascorbic acid (190-198 mg/100 g) , medium soft seeds (10 .0 to 12.0 kg /cm2) and keeping quality. It is a dual purpose variety suitable for both table and processing (osmotic dehydration of rind) |
13 | Guava | Arka Rashmi |
Semi-vigorous trees, dual purpose variety, red pulp with low oxalate content (28.3 mg/100 g FW), Medium in lycopene (5.0 mg/100 g) andmedium seed hardiness (9.0 kg/cm2), rich in ascorbic acid(235 mg/100 g), good TSS ( 12 to 14 0Brix) and flavor |
14 | Guava | Arka Kiran |
The plants are semi- vigorous, fruits are medium in size ( 230g) with dark red pulp, rich in lycopene ( 7.5mg/ 100g) and with medium soft seeds(9kg/cm2) |
15 | Guava | Arka Mridula |
Plants are semi-vigorous, medium in size (180 to 200 g), white pulp with soft seeds, rich in pectin, good TSS (12 to 13 o B) and keeping quality. |
16 | Mango | Arka Neelachal Kesri |
Early maturing, coloured, high yielding and fruit fly free |
17 | Mango | Arka Suprabhath |
It is a medium vigorous, regular and bunch bearing, high yielding (35-40 kg / plant after 4 years of planting) hybrid. The fruit weight ranges from 250-300g, the fruit shape resembles like Alphonso. The pulp resembles Amrapali and is deep orange in colour and firm. Pulp recovery is >70%, TSS (>22°B), acidity (0.12%), carotenoids (6 mg/100g FW) and flavonoids (3.44 mg/100g FW). It has a shelf life of 8-10 days at room temperature. |
18 | Mango | Arka Aruna |
Regular bearing, dwarf statured, suitable for backyard planting, and amenable for 5 x 5 m planting, a mid- season variety. |
19 | Mango | Arka Puneet |
The pulp recovery is about 65-70%. Keeping quality is good. |