Latitude : 13o 7’ N Longitude: 77o29’ E Altitude: 890 M
Date |
Temperature |
Relative Humidity |
Evaporation |
Wind speed |
Rainfall |
- |
oC |
% |
mm |
km/h |
mm |
Mean Max. |
Mean Min. |
Mean At 8.30 am |
Mean At 1.30 pm |
05.09.2024 |
30.4 |
21.4 |
87 |
64 |
5.4 |
5.40 |
0.0 |
Period: 16th to 31st August, 2024
Latitude : 13071 N Longitude : 720291E Altitude : 890 M
Fortnight |
Temperature (0C) |
Relative Humidity (%) |
Evaporation (mm) |
Wind speed (km/h) |
Total Rainfall (mm) Mean Max. |
Mean Max. |
Mean Min. |
Mean At 7.30AM |
Mean at 1.30 PM |
August (16-31) 2024 |
29.01 |
21.63 |
90.00 |
70.75 |
4.48 |
4.89 |
60.50 |
(29.3) |
(20.0) |
(85.1) |
(63.9) |
(4.2) |
(3.8) |
(81.9) |
* Figures in the parentheses indicate the mean values during the corresponding period for the previous 5 years
Fortnight from 16th to 31st August, 2024
During the second fortnight of the month i.e., 16th to 31st August, 2024, the mean maximum and minimum temperature increased by 0.12ºC and 0.1ºC respectively as compared to the previous fortnight. The mean maximum temperature increased by 0.8ºC and mean minimum temperature decreased by 0.3 ºC as compared to the mean values of the corresponding period for the previous five years. The percent relative humidity in the morning and afternoon decreased by 1% and 0.32% respectively as compared to the previous fortnight. There was 60.50 mm of rainfall reported during this fortnight.
Crop weather situation
For kharif vegetable crops, bunds may be raised to avoid fruit spoilage by soil borne diseases which would occur when fruits touch the soil. Wherever soil conditions are conducive, intercultural operations may be taken up in kharif planted vegetables and fruit crops.
Incidence of insect pests
Under the prevailing weather situation, following pests are expected under Bengaluru conditions on different horticultural crops. Various options for their management are mentioned below.
Hoppers and thrips on mango
- New flush of certain varieties like Alphonso and Banganapalli attracts hoppers and thrips. Spraying with acephate 75SP @ 1.5 g /L along with sticker will check the infestation which otherwise may serve as source for flowering season.
Fruit fly on cucurbits:
- For the management of fruit fly on cucurbits, following integrated approach may be followed. Deployment of cue lure traps @ 15 traps/acre + Sanitation (complete destruction of infested fruits at each harvest) + Bait spray (deltamethrin 2.8 EC@ 1 ml + jaggery @ 10g/L) at 10 days interval from the date of flowering.
- Bait Splash of 40/ acre (150g jaggery + 500mlwater + 5ml deltamethrin 2.8 EC)
Mites on tomato
- For the management of mites spray fenzaquin 10 EC @ 1.5ml/litre
Or spiromesifen 22.9EC* @ 0.5 ml/l
Black Thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis on chilli
- As Black thrips incidence is increasing on chilli and capsicum; it is advised to farmers to raise seedlings under Nylon mesh thrips proof conditions, use thrips free seedlings
- Barrier crop: sow maize all along the border 30 days before chilli transplantation
- Root dipping of the seedlings in imidacloprid 17.8 SL solution @ 0.5 ml per litre of water for one hour during transplanting
- After planting: regular alternate weekly spraying of imidacloprid 17.8 SL 0.5ml/litre+ neem oil 2.5ml/litre, fipronil80WG@40g/acre, Fipronil 40%+ imidaclorpid40%@40g/acre,Cyantraniliprole10OD@240ml/acre,acetamiprid20SP@40g/acre, spirotetramat150 OD@160ml/acre, pongamia oil 2.5ml/litre
- Spray twice @ minimum 15 days interval in a crop cycle Isocycloseram 9.2% (w/w DC) + Isocycloseram10% (w/v DC) * @ 1.2ml/liter
- Every 15days interval (depending upon the outbreak) chlropyrifos 50EC (2.5ml/l) soil drenching is required to kill pupa that are in soil.
Note: none of these chemicals approved by CIBRC except isocyloseram
*CIBRC label claim available
Ash weevil on brinjal
- Collect and destroy adults.
- Apply oiled neem cake with 8-10% oil to ridges @ 250kg/ha at planting and repeat at 30 Days After planting
- In endemic areas, apply chloropyrifos 1.5D @25-30kg/ha on 15 days after planting
Rose Thrips
- Spray dimethoate 30 EC @ 2ml/l with pongamia oil 0.5%.
- Apply Fipronil 5 SC @ 1.5 ml/l in case of severe infestations.
- Drench the soil with Chlorpyrifos 20 EC @ 5ml/l for killing pupae in the soil.
Mites on Rose
- For the management of mites spray milbemectin1EC @ 1 ml/l
Midge on Crossandra
- Under the prevailing conditions, incidence of midge increases on crossandra. For its management spray imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 0.5 ml/l.
Whitefly on Gerbera (polyhouses)
- Spray diafenthiuran 50 WP @ 1 g/l followed by dinetofuran 20 SG@ 1g/litre
- Install yellow sticky traps coated with adhesive or sticky glue at crop canopy level for monitoring adult whitefly population.
Jasmine Bud borer
- Severe incidence of Jasmine bud borer is noticed during this period. Spray profenofos 50EC @1.5 ml/l for its management. If the incidence is severe spray indoxacarb 14.5 SC @ 0.75 ml/l
*CIBRC label claim available
Disclaimer: Wherever label claim not available, recommendations are made based on experimental results.
Disease scenario
Disease scenario in relation to the weather data during first fortnight of August, 2024.
Fruit crops:
- Foot rot caused by Pythium spp. and Phytophthora spp. occurs due to continuous rains. Avoid water logging by providing proper drainage to remove excess water. To prevent further spread of this disease drench soil with copper oxychloride 50%WP (2.5g/l) or 1% Bordeaux mixture.
- To manage anthracnose disease on leaves and fruits give curative foliar spray of Thiophanate methyl M 70% WP@ 1g/L or Propiconazole 25% EC @1 ml/L
Vegetable crops:
- Late blight is likely to aggravate under prevailing weather situation. To protect crop from late blight, remove lower infected blighted leaves and give foliar spray of Mancozeb75%WP / Propineb70%WP (3g/L) as protective sprays followed by spray with Famoxadone16.6%+ Cymoxanil22.1% SC (1g/l) as curative spray
- Prevailing rainy condition favours development of anthracnose on green chillies. To manage this disease, give foliar spray application of copperoxychloride 50% WP (2.5g/l) or mancozeb75%WP (2 g/l) as preventive sprays followed by curative sprays with difenoconazole 25% EC (0.5ml/l) or tebuconazole 20 EC (25.9% W/W) (0.5ml/l)