Arka Samrat
High yielding F1 hybrid developed by crossing IIHR-2835 X IIHR-2832. First F1 Hybrid with triple disease resistance to ToLCV, BW and early blight. Fruits oblate to high round, large (90-110g), deep red and firm. Suitable for fresh market.
Yields:80-85 t/ha. in 140 days. It was recommended at National level to zone VIII (Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala) during 33rd AICRP (VC) meeting held at IIVR, Varanasi from 21-24, May 2015. It was notified for central release in 24thCentral Sub Committee meeting on Crop standards, Release and Notification of Horticultural Crops held at Krishi Bhavan on 22nd Sept. 2016.