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Micropropagation of horticultural crops (banana, grape, bougainvillea, chrysanthemum, lilies) disease-free planting material generation with reference to specific pathogens

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Micropropagation of horticultural crops (banana, grape, bougainvillea, chrysanthemum, lilies) disease-free planting material generation with reference to specific pathogens
Application / Use: Rapid, mass, clonal propagation of plant material
Input Needed: New or established laboratory (consultancy for setting up micropropagation laboratory also available
Output Capacity: -
Specific Benefits: Rapid, mass cloning of horticultural crops
Unit Cost: -
Description: In horticultural crops where vegetative propagation is used, faster rate of multiplication on a massive scale in a relatively small area can be accomplished for attaining uniform propagules with an added advantage of raising disease-free crops.
Developed By: Leela Sahijram, Principal Scientist
Contact Person: Director, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessarghatta Lake, Bangalore-560 089 Tel: 080-28466420-24 (ext. 200); Fax: 080-28466291; Email:
Institute: IIHR, Bangalore