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Agri-Business Incubation Centre at ICAR-IIHR

The Agri-Business Incubation centre at ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (ICAR-IIHR) Bengaluru is a facility of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) established to commercialize technologies of IIHR, nurture Horticulture technologies based ventures, start-ups and Horti-Business consultancy through incubation.

Agri-Business Incubation, is a project of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) created through National Agriculture Innovation Fund (NAIF) to commercialize the technologies of ICAR-IIHR by non-exclusive licensing, nurture horticulture technology based start-ups / ventures and horti-business consultancy through incubation. The centre atICAR-IIHR started its operations since May 2013 and successfully initiated the processes of incubation and business process development. Business mentoring and awareness campaigns for enthusiastic hortipreneurs and research scientists, facilitated research collaborations, patent search facilitation, patent filing and has several success stories to highlight and share. The Horticultural Technology Management and Agri-Business Incubationcentre has progressed in the last 10 years with technology commercialization process.

Objectives of ABI

  • To commercialize institute technologies through incubation rendering support for

horticultural production systems

  • To develop Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in horticultural production systems
  • Capacity building and imparting consultancy skill for horticultural crop based enterprise.

The ITMU & ABI, a unit of ICAR- IIHR, Bengaluru strives to be a bridge that links the research community with all the stakeholders of horticulture and businesscommunity. It attempts to promote horti-business ventures through technology development, dissemination and commercialization for everyone from a corporate to an individual farmer.A number of technologies have been protected, filed for patentsand licensed for mass production under different theme areas.

Focus areas of ITMU & ABI at ICAR-IIHR

  1. Vegetable cultivars
  2. Flower cultivars
  3. Fruit cultivars
  4. Medicinal crop cultivars
  5. Crop nutrition technologies
  6. Crop protection technologies
  7. Post harvest technologies
  8. Farm implements and machineries
  9. Mushroom production technologies

Seed & Planting Material

The improved varieties, hybrids having multiple disease resistance and high yield in crops like vegetables, fruits, medicinal and ornamental crops have been developed by institute. Lines with special traits like male sterility are also available. In the last ten years, institute has licensed to more than 73 seed companies.

Plant Health Management

Safe and cost effective plant health management technologieslikebio-pesticides, micronutrients, botanical formulations, pheromone traps and bio fertilizersetc., are offered to promote sustainable plant health management.

Post-Harvest Technologies

Processed products like fruit bar, osmotically dehydrated products, ready to serve (RTS) beverages, crushed tomato, squashes,wines, dry flower andmushroom products are available for licensing.

Farm Machinery & Implements

The institute has developed various machineries and implements to facilitating farm mechanization.

The institute has several designs for licensing like

  • Nursery Machinery : - Rooting MediaMixing Cum Filling Machine - Automatic

Dibbler Cum VaccumSeeder

  • Sowing and transplanting: - Onion Drum Seeder - Broad Bed Former Cum Vegetable Seedling Transplanter
  • Fruit harvesters: - Mango, Sapota and Lime Harvester - Tractor Drawn Hydraulic

Platform for Harvesting and Pruning

  • Mango processing: Raw Mango Peeler, Slicer and Cube Cutter
  • Mushroom spawn production: Motorized Grain Cleaner, Grain Boiler, Grain and

Chalk Powder Mixer, Bag Filling Machine and Bulk Spawn Inoculators

  • Fruit and Vegetable vending van
  • Arka High Humidity Storage Box


The division has developed technology forembryogenic cell suspensions for mass multiplication of banana (cv. Elakki bale).


ABI focus areas.jpg


Models of Incubation at Horticultural Technology Management- Business Process Development Facility

While IIHR has been leading in technology transfer and commercialization through licensing, a need to hand-hold the licensees was felt from the experience of some of the clients. A number of private firms have licensed the technologies like bio-pesticides and foliar formulations for mass production and commercial scale operations. A large number of licensees faced difficulties in scaling up the laboratory processes to suit commercial production, which could not be addressed by the institute or the technology innovator. It was in this context that the establishment of the Horticulture Technology Management HTM-BPD, that the innovator or the HTM-BPD have been able to handhold the licensees for a period of six months to one year, once they become members of the BPD. Further, the BPD also provides other services such as assisting the clients to write bankable proposals, introducing them to consultants and markets and help them find new markets and establish their business. The HTM- BPD at IIHR provides technology commercialization and incubation under two distinct models, i.e., On-site incubation, Off-site incubation and specialized incubation as has been presented in Fig 1.

On - site Incubation: Technology Commercialization through Value Chain Incubation

As a technology based incubation facility, HTM-BPD provides its member clients, an opportunity to scale up the licensed technology for maximizing profits. Member clients who are selected after rigorous criteria are provided with technology up- scaling facilities inclusive of infrastructure, space and other technical inputs. The innovator works in close collaboration with the client for scaling up the processes           

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      Incubation Model - HTM BPD

HTM-BPD also permits the client to sell their produce through the marketing network of the research institution and assist the client to get better market. Besides the technology licensing fee, the client pays additional pre-fixed rent for the facilities provided and also a royalty in the range of 5-10% on the net sale of the produce sold through the institutes’ sales network. An Onsite incubatee is permitted space and facilities for a maximum of 12 months before the client graduates from the incubation process. Some of the services that are included for the Onsite incubation are Business Development Services: Navigating regulatory Requirements, Standards and Compliance. Product / Process / Human Resources development & Management; Facilitate Marketing Assistance: Promotion through trade fairs, exhibition and Industry meets.

Off – Site Incubation: Technology Commercialization

The off –site incubation pathway differs from the former one only in the fact that the client is not operating from the institutes premises. The client does license a technology from the institute and is provided with services similar to those of on-site incubation on payment, except for the permission to market their produce through institute’s sales counters. The TTO’s officers in collaboration with the scientist innovators visit the client’s site and provide the requisite advice and direction for up-scaling the licensed technology.

Success stories of ABI, ICAR-IIHR

  1. Mr. Gavaskar, a B. Tech graduate, founded M/s Hi7 Agri Bio Solutions in Bangalore, initially licensing Banana special and later Mango special and Vegetable special. With 10 employees, the company has a production capacity of 30 tonnes per month, generating an annual turnover of 1.5 crore.
  2. Mr. Srinivas established M/s Krishi Biosys in Doddaballapur after discovering commercialization opportunities through ICAR-IIHR's website. He licensed biopesticide technologies and, with a team of 10, produces 40 tonnes of biopesticides monthly, with an annual turnover of 4.0 crore.
  3. M/s Leaf Box, founded by M. Kiran Raju, introduced a natural air purifier designed with ICAR-IIHR's support, enhancing aesthetic value and featuring an automated water supply system.
  4. Mr. Suhas Mohan, a software engineer, established M/s Bloom Biotech in Chikmagalur, leveraging ICAR-IIHR technologies to generate over Rs 300 lakhs in the last five years, with a full-fledged production unit.
  5. Mr. Lakshmaiah's M/s BinduAgri Enterprise, born from his vision and investment of 9 lakhs, thrived on licensing ICAR-IIHR's ArkaNeem Soap technology. With support from ICAR-IIHR's BPD incubation program, the company reached 200 farmers, earning 15 lakhs in revenue, exemplifying the transformative potential of innovative technology and entrepreneurial spiriTop of Form
  6. In 2022, Dr. Niranjan Prabhu K J and Mr. Nithin Sujay K J founded M/S Ecophytocare India Pvt. Ltd. with an initial investment of 10 lakhs. Securing licenses from ICAR - IIHR, they implemented sustainable solutions, impacting 2500 farmers and achieving a revenue of Rs. 25 lakhs, earning recognition for transformative impact and excellence.
  7. In 2020, M/S Arekal Organics & Bio-Fertilizers Pvt. Ltd. was established by Mr. Divakara A S and Ms. Anitha L., transitioning from IT to agriculture. They harnessed ICAR-IIHR technologies, weathering 2021's challenges with IIHR's support. Recognition followed, achieving a revenue of Rs. 15 lakhs, impacting 200 farmers. Committed to sustainable agriculture, they aim for industry leadership, driven by passion and resilience.
  8. M/S AG Organics, led by Mr. Prashanth D S since 2020, shifted focus to organic farming, utilizing ICAR-IIHR's Arka Microbial Consortium. With an initial investment of Rs. 5 lakhs, they achieved a revenue of Rs. 16 lakhs, reaching 150 farmers. Their commitment to innovation and sustainability propels them toward a future where agriculture and environmental consciousness harmonize.
  9. Drs. Ruchi Sahu and Anil Kumar M. founded M/S AIRR Organics and Biofertilizers Pvt. Ltd., licensing ICAR-IIHR technologies. Despite challenges, a strategic investment of Rs. 10 lakhs led to a revenue of Rs. 10 lakhs, impacting 1000 farmers. Their journey reflects determination, collaboration, and innovation, setting a precedent for transformative businesses.
  10. Mrs. B. Parvathi Rajyam's journey from government service to entrepreneurship led to Samhita Soil Solutions. Leveraging ICAR-IIHR technology, despite registration challenges, the venture began in 2014, financed by loans and personal funds. With manual production, they supplied 60 to 80 tonnes, focusing on usefulness and farmer goodwill. Expansion and advanced technologies are sought for a greener agricultural market.
  11. Aditya Thoomati, a software engineer, delved into mushroom cultivation after training at IIHR, planning a venture in Hyderabad.
  12. Rashmi Banuprakash, a home science graduate, innovates with native produce at Spice & Beans in Coorg, mentored by ICAR-IIHR.
  13. Vijayakumar, an electrical engineer turned author, embraces mushroom cultivation, leveraging incubation facilities for entrepreneurship.
  14. Shilpi Chatterjee, a former banker, advocates for mushroom cultivation's waste reduction potential, undergoing incubation to spread awareness.
  15. Ganapath Products, headquartered in Madurai, emerged as a notable player in the biofertilizer sector since 2017. Despite discontinuing operations due to profitability challenges, they introduced Biomic NPKZ, integrating zinc and potassium solubilisation with nitrogen fixation and phosphorus solubilisation, setting new standards in innovation.
  16. Bhavani Bio Chemical, founded by Bharat Naik in 2017 in Hirebaganal, Karnataka, flourished with IIHR's technology support, covering 15 districts and achieving a turnover of 32 lakhs. Currently dormant, they secured a significant loan for future plans, focusing on substantial biofertilizer production.
  17. SM Plant Technologies Pvt. Ltd., established near Hessarghatta in 2016, excelled in banana tissue culture production but faced closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic and staff departures, despite receiving recognition and funding from DBT.
  18. CAPSBER GLOBAL AGRO PVT LTD, founded in 2017 by technical graduates, leveraged IIHR technologies to produce crop-specific micronutrients, biofertilizers, and biopesticides. With a turnover of 12 crores, they aim to lead India's biological input R&D and manufacturing industry, backed by prestigious awards and international acclaim.
  19. Rainbow Agro Vet Seri Tech, founded in Kadapa in 2010, specializes in horticultural products sourced partly from IIHR. Despite challenges, including marketing restrictions, they remain active in serving farmers, emphasizing agricultural productivity and quality.

Present incubatees at ABI, ICAR-IIHR



Email Id

Contact Number



 Dr. Ruchi Sahu, M/s AIRR Organics and Biofertilizer Private Limited


 Arka Mango Special  and Banana Special


Mr. Prashantha D.S. from AG Organicz


 Arka Vegetable Special


Mrs. Bindu Lakshmi N from Bindu agri enterprise


Arka Neem Soap


Mrs. B.Parvathi Rajyam , M/s Samhitasoilsolutions,


Arka Microbial Consortium


Mr. Niranjan Prabhu K J , M/s Ecophytocare Pvt Ltd


Arka Decomposer


 Mrs. Anita , M/s Arekal Organics & Bio-fertilizers Pvt. Ltd


Arka  vegetable special


Rashmi Banuprakash M/s Spice and Beans


Mushroom Cultivation


Dr. Balu , Vivekanandha Trust;


Arka Microbial Consortium


 Mrs. Babita  M/s Progrorich  Farms Pvt Ltd


Arka Microbial Consortium


Vijayakumar Masarakall


Mushroom Cultivation


Vijayakumar Masarakall


Spwan Production


Mr. Kaarthik, M/s Ricaa Lifesciences

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Arka Neem Soap

            Guidelines to become incubatee at ABI, ICAR-IIHR (onsite)

  • To become an incubatee, the client must purchase technology from ICAR-IIHR (IIHR licensee)
  • Client has to pay annual membership charge based on membership Category from Rs. 2000 to Rs.50000 to become member for ICAR-IIHR BPD and fill BPD membership form.





Member ship fee

Per Annum (in Rs.)


Category A

Start-up individual (innovator), Individual farmers, Individual Entrepreneurs



Category B

Start-up companies, Group of Farmers and Self Help Groups, NGOs


Category C

Micro, small & medium Enterprises (MSME), Firms


Category D

Large Companies


Category E

Multinational Companies & Foreign companies


As per the details given below

  • Clients have to pay caution deposit of Rs. 25,000 for BPD which will be refundable after completion of incubation period.
  • After payment of membership fee and caution deposit, separate MOU has to be signed between Nodal Officer, BPD and Client.
  • Incubation for a particular technology will be provided on first-cum-first basis. However, preference will be given for diverse technologies to ensure availability of different products at ATIC, ICAR –IIHR based on their public demand.
  • Incubatee will be chosen on a first-come, first-served basis, considering the day they submit their request to ABI for incubation.
  • In all or/exceptional cases the initial on-site incubation facilities will be allotted for six months.
  • Depending upon the demand for the product and demand for the incubation, the Competent Authority (Director, ICAR-IIHR) is empowered to extend the incubation period beyond six months upto a maximum one year.
  • If there are more than one incubatee for a particular product, then an equal opportunity will be given for the sale of their product(s) through ATIC without any discrimination at a given point of time.
  • All the incubatees should submit an undertaking that they would abide by the rules and regulations of the institute.

Charges for incubation facility

    • Rental charges: Rs.10,000 per month which includes lab, equipment rentals, scientific service charges and production rentals.
    • For having provided market linkage through ICAR-IIHR ATIC, the incubatee will be charged 5% as commission on their sales at ATIC.

Guidelines to be come mushroom incubatee at ICAR-IIHR

  • The incubate shall invariably be a trainee of ICAR-IIHR on Mushroom Production.
  • Client has to pay annual membership charge of Rs.5000 to become a member of ICAR-IIHRBPD and fill BPD membership form.
  • Clients have to pay caution deposit of Rs.10,000 for BPD which will be refundable after completion of incubation period.
  • After payment of membership fee and caution deposit, separate MOU (rental agreement) has to be signed between Nodal Officer, BPD and Client.

Incubation Period: Initially for a period of 6 months and extended upto maximum one year

Charges for incubation facility

  • Rental fee

(Incubatee can choose one among the following for their incubation period)

  1. Rental fee for sterilization &inoculation only

Rs.500 per day and multiple there of minimum of 20 bags (1kg wet substrate) to maximum of 100 bags sterilization every day (25 working days x 100 = 2500 bags may be possible). Bags should be taken back to the incubatee’s premises every day.

  1. Rental fee for sterilization, inoculation and keeping the bags for 25 days incubation in the existing facility Rs.1000 for every 20-bag minimum to maximum of 100 bags production minimum of 20 bags (1kg wet substrate) to maximum of 500 bags sterilization @100 bags sterilization every day. However, spawn running space available only for a maximum 500 bags with present facility.
  • In case of Option A (sterilization and inoculation only), Option B (sterilization, inoculation and 25 days spawn running), inputs will be provided (if requested by Incubatee) on payment as per the following terms and conditions
  • Maximum of 30 kg (Rs. 450) Paddy straw per person in the beginning of incubation will be provided on payment. Afterwards, the incubatee should arrange paddy straw on their own. However, other input materials can be provided on payment as per the availability of materials in stock without any restrictions on quantity.
  • Manpower will not be provided at all, if any other facilities apart from those  mentioned above are required, it will be provided as per BPD norms.

               Guidelines to become incubatee at ICAR-IIHR (Off site)

  • To become an incubatee, the client must purchase technology from ICAR-IIHR(IIHR licensee)
  • Client has to pay annual membership charge based on membership category to become a member for ICAR-IIHR BPD and fill BPD membership form.
  • The client does license a institute technology but does not operate in the institute premises
  • The TTO’s officers in collaboration with the scientist innovators visit the client’s site and provide their equisite advice and direction for up scaling the licensed technology.

Agri-Business Incubation Centre

Paves the way for Horti Start-Ups

Unlock the Future of Horticulture with Agri-Business Incubation!

Join the Agri-Business Incubation project, an initiative by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) through the National Agriculture Innovation Fund (NAIF). Since May 2013, our centre at ICAR-IIHR has been turning innovative horticultural technologies into thriving businesses.

What do we offer?

  • Non-exclusive licensing: Bring ICAR-IIHR technologies to market.
  • Startup nurturing: Grow your horticulture-based startup with expert guidance.
  • Consultancy: Receive top-tier horti-business advice through our incubation services. Capacity building and imparting consultancy skill for horticultural crop based enterprise.

Our achievements speak volumes! over the past decade, we've:

  • Mentored and inspired hundreds of hortipreneurs and research scientists..
  • Built a legacy of success stories in horticultural innovation.

And the best part? Registration is completely free! Join us today and turn your horticulture dreams into reality.

Kindly find the link for the registration form as part of BPD  Updates about Incubation/Events/EDP/Webinar to be uploaded in the BPD section of the ICAR-IIHR website.