- Multivariate interpretation of nutrient element concentrations in fruit crops grown in different geographical locations
- Understanding of nutrient interactions and their relations with critical growth attributes based on regional survey
- Establishing relationship between soil and plant nutritional status in selected locations using GIS techniques
- Development of region specific diagnostic norms for plant for avoiding over or under fertilization in fruit crops.
Date of start of this programme:
H B Raghupathi
Y T N.Reddy
GIS technique was applied to super impose the soil and plant nutrient status in a selected orchard in Ramnagar region. Most of the nutrient element studied showed wide variation within the farm indicating the existing of spatial variability due to management induced and intrinsic variation in soil properties because of topographical variation within the farm. The interpolated maps of the spatial variability for soil and plants were compared. The comparision of Zn level in soil and plant indicated that majority of the area was having available Zn low to medium with an isolated pocket having high Zn. The Zn in plant was also low to medium in majority of the area. There was a poor agreement between the soil Zn and plant Zn in mango as eveident from the superimosing of the maps preapred separately for soil and plant. The semivariogram parameter indicated that the nugget/sill ratio was higher for soil Zn when compared to plant Zn indicating that soil available Zn was less sptially dependent copmpared to plant Zn.Mg showed better relationship between soil and plant status. Thevariogrammodel for all the major and micronutrients are being developed for interpreationpurpose
- Raghupathi H B and Srinivas S (2012) Multi-nutrient interaction and diagnostic norms for mango of transition zone in Karnataka National seminar on Development of soil science during 77th annual convention of Indian society of Soil science held at Punjab Agricultural university Ludhiana from3rd Dec to 6th December 2012