Awareness Programme on Newly Developed Marigold Hybrids was organized on 17.04.2021.
A day long day awareness programme cum scientist – farmers interaction meeting on ICAR-IIHR developed new marigold hybrids and other Horticultural technologies was conducted through online on 17.04.2021 for the benefit of the Tamil Nadu farmers in collaboration with KVK,MYRADA, Erode District, Tamil Nadu. The objective of this programme was to impart knowledge and create awareness about our ICAR-IIHR released new Marigold hybrids and also improved high yielding ICAR-IIHR released vegetable/fruits/flowers varieties/hybrids, so that such technologies may be disseminated for adoption by farmers at Tamil Nadu state.The Programme was started with ICAR song followed by IIHR song with welcome address by Dr R. Venkattakumar, Principal Scientist and Head (i/c), Division of Social Sciences and Training, IIHR - Bangalore, who emphasized the objective of this online interaction program and further he highlighted significance of newly developed marigold hybrids and other horticulture technologies which are suitable for farmers of Tamil Nadu state to enhance their farm income double. Further he stressed that ICAR-IIHR always will be associated with farmers for transfer of latest information’s and technologies time to time.
Dr.C.R.Aswath, Principal Scientist (Hort) and Head (i/c), Division of flower and medicinal crops, ICAR-IIHR, Bengalore addressed the gathering and presented improved varieties and hybrids of IIHR developed flower crops varieties/hybrids suitable for commercial cultivation in Tamil Nadu including cost economics. During his presentation he advised the farmers to grow various flower crops in open as well as under protected conditions for making flower cultivation more profitable ,viable and sustainable.
Dr.Tejaswini Prakash, Principal Scientist (Hort) presented lecture on important varieties/hybrids and technologies of IIHR released marigold for commercial cultivation and it was translated by and Dr.V.Sankar Principal Scientist (Hort) Division of Social Sciences and Training, IIHR – Bangalore in tamil.She emphasized that importance of carotene pigment rich marigold hybrids for processing industry to get higher and sustainable income for marigold farmers. Further she explained about vegetative propagation method of marigold hybrids for commercial multiplication through private nurseries and procedure for licensing at IIHR, Bengalore. Dr M. Arivalagan, Senior Scientist (Bio Chemistry) narrated the importance of carotenoid rich marigold hybrids and its commercial uses. Dr.V.Sankar, Principal Scientist (Hort) elucidated improved high yielding vegetable varieties/hybrids and technologies suitable for Erode district as well as Tamil Nadu farmers. Dr.R.Senthil Kumar, Principal Scientist highlighted the ICAR-IIHR developed fruit crops varieties and other fruit crops technologies for commercial cultivation in Tamil Nadu state.
Earlier, Dr.P.Alagesan, Senior Scientist and Head, MYRADA, Erode District, TN appreciated the efforts taken by IIHR scientists to promote newly developed marigold hybrids and other improved horticultural technologies suitable for Erode district, Tamil Nadu. Mr.P.Pachiappan, Scientist (Hort) and Mr.S.Saravanakumar, Scientist (Agronomy) explained about demonstration results of Arka Subha which was laid out KVK,MYARADA farm. Further they requested IIHR to provide sufficient seeds of marigold hybrids “ Arka Shubha and Arka Vibha” for conducting OFT on forthcoming season at Erode District, Tamil Nadu. At the end of session, farmers were interacted with the panel of IIHR experts virtually asked various questions/doubts and got detailed explanations.
This program was attended by more than 110 farmers of various part of Tamil Nadu, 20 scientists/SMS from various KVKS,12 Assistant Directors of Horticulture/Horticulture officers from Department of Horticulture ,Tamil Nadu, members from various FPOs and NGOS in virtual mode and also through physical mode 40 farmers attended at KVK, MYARDA, Erode District, Tamil Nadu.
The whole programme was coordinated by Dr.V.Sankar and Dr.R.Senthil Kumar, Principal Scientists from Division of Social Sciences and Training, IIHR – Bangalore. The propgame was ended with vote of thanks offered by Dr.V.Sankar, Principal Scientists from Division of Social Sciences and Training, IIHR – Bangalore.