ICAR-IIHR organized a field day on Tomato hybrid (Arka Apeksha) at Allagondanahally, Hoskote under RKVY project on 16.03.2022. The programme was initiated by lightening the lamp. Mr. Venkatta Ramanappa, CEO, of the FPO extended welcome address. Dr. R Venkattakumar, Principal Scientist and Head (I/C), Division of Social Sciences and Training, ICAR-IIHR and PI of the RKVY project, gave a brief introduction about the project to the gathering and the benefits extended to the selective farmers of Allagondanally village under this project. Dr. Madhavi Reddy, Principal Scientist and Head (I/C), Division of Vegetable Crops, ICAR-IIHR, spoke about the importance of Vegetable crops cultivation in rural areas and the market opportunities available for the vegetable crops. Mr. Shekar, the President, Sri Venugopala Swamy Horticulture Farmer Producers Company, Hoskote, in his speech told the fellow members of the FPO and framers of the village to utilize the technologies developed by ICAR-IIHR for over all development of the farming community. Mr. Lokesh, farmer shared his experience and the advantages of growing Arka Apeksha in his farm and also suggested the farmers to take up the cultivation of the same in near future.
Dr. A. T. Sadashiva, Former Head, Division of Vegetable Crops, ICAR-IIHR and breeder of Tomato hybrid Arka Apeksha also participated in the function and shared his experience at ICAR-IIHR in general and the process of developing the Tomato F1 Hybrid-
Arka Apeksha. He also suggested the farmers to make use of the advanced varieties and hybrids developed by ICAR-IIHR, Bangalore. In this function Dr. A. T. Sadashiva was also felicitated for his contribution in developing popular tomato hybrids including Arka Apeksha. For the beneficiaries of SCSP mulching sheets were distributed during the programme.
Dr. BNS Murthy, Director, ICAR-IIHR, Bangalore in his presidential speech, mentioned about the services provided by ICAR-IIHR, Bangalore to the farmers and also suggested the farmers to take up ICAR-IIHR technologies and also mentioned to go for processing of the produce grown to get higher returns and also to safe guard them from market uncertainties. Dr. M Senthil Kumar, Scientist, Division of Vegetable crops, delivered formal vote of thanks to the gathering. The programme came to an end with a field visit by more than fifty farmers in and around the village. The programme was organised and co-ordinated by Dr. R. Venkattakumar, Principal Scientist, Division of Social Sciences and Training and Dr.M.Senthilkumar, Scientist, Division of Vegetable Crops.
From ICAR-IIHR, Dr. K. V. Ravishankar, Principal scientist, Division of Basic Sciences and Nodal officer, RKVY, Dr. G Sendhil Kumaran, Principal scientist, Division of Post Harvest Technology and Agricultural Engineering, Dr. M. Pitchaimuthu, Principal scientist, Dr. Anil Kumar Nair, Principal scientist, Dr.T.H.Singh, Principal Scientist, Dr. H. C. Prasanna Principal scientist, Dr. Ponnam Naresh, Scientist, Dr. Vivek Hegde, Scientist, Division of Vegetable crops and Dr. N R. Prasannakumar, Principal Scientist, Division of Crop Protection have also attended the programme.