The second meeting of RAC was held during 2nd and 3rd February, 2023 in hybrid mode. Dr. D.P. Ray, Ex-Vice-Chancellor, OUAT and Chairman of RAC along with members viz., Dr. R. K. Jain, Ex-Dean, IARI & Member, RAC, Dr. J. C. Dagar, Ex- ADG & Member, RAC and Dr. G.A. Ravishankar, Vice President, Dayanand Sagar Institutions, Bangalore &Member RAC joined the meeting virtually and other members viz., Dr. S.K. Tikoo, Ex-Principal Scientist, IIHR and Director, Tierra Agro Seeds Pvt. Ltd., Dr. D. P. Waskar, Director (Res.), VNMKV, Parbhani and Dr. K.V Bhat, Ex-Principal Scientist, NBPGR attended the meeting physically at ICAR-IIHR.
The meeting was chaired by Dr. D.P. Ray, Chairman, RAC and Dr. S.K. Singh, Director, ICAR-IIHR and Dr. VB. Patel, ADG (Fruits and Plantation Crops) attended the meeting as Ex-officio members. During the inaugural session, Chairman and members of RAC appreciated the work done at IIHR and congratulated the team IIHR for bagging the first rank among the ICAR institutes for consecutive two years. Dr. S.K. Singh, Director, ICAR-IIHR presented the brief work done during 2022 followed by Action Taken Report for the 26th RAC recommendations was presented by Dr. M. Thangam, Member Secretary, RAC and it was approved by the committee.
Dr. V.B. Patel, ADG (Fruits and Plantation Crops) during his opening remarks congratulated all the scientists and staff of IIHR for their significant work and bagging first rank in ICAR system. He also emphasized the need for reorienting the programmes as per the changing scenario and needs of the stakeholders.
Presentations were made by the Heads of respective division viz., Division of Fruit crops, Vegetable Crops, Ornamental & Medicinal Crops, Basic Sciences, NRM, Crop Protection, PHT& Agri. Engg. , Social Sciences and Training, Heads of Regional Stations viz., CHES, Bhubaneswar and CHES, Chettali followed by ITMU, PG Education and FMC Unit of institute. Later, RAC team has visited the fields of different experimental blocks followed by Central of Excellence in Protected cultivation, Besst-Hort Facility etc. During the concluding session, Chairman and Members of the RAC committee appreciated the work done during the reporting period and suggested to keep the momentum in the coming years too. The formal vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. M. Thangam, Member Secretary, RAC.