Field day on teasel gourd var. Arka Bharath and input distribution under SCSP was organized at ICAR-IIHR-CHES, Chettalli on 26th July, 2023, to create awareness on scientific cultivation of teasel gourd and to showcase the result demonstration of Arka Bharath variety of teasel gourd coupled with distribution of inputs to the Schedule Caste farmers under SCSP. The inaugural programme started with ICAR & IIHR songs followed by lighting lamp by the guests and the farmers. Dr. Nayan Deepak G., Scientist (Fruit Science), welcomed the guests and briefed the importance of programme. The Chief Guest Dr. Chandrappa K., Deputy Director of Research, CRSS, Coffee Board, Chettalli briefed about the importance of teasel gourd in doubling the farmer’s income. The Guest of Honour Mr. Muthappa, P.T., President, Gram Panchayat-Chettalli, requested all farmers for effective utilization of distributed inputs. Dr. Muralidhara, B.M. Scientist (Fruit Science) presided over the programme and briefed the health benefits of teasel gourd and importance of fruit plants in kitchen gardening. The inaugural programme ended with vote of thanks delivered by Mr. Madhu, G.S., Scientist (Plant Pathology).
During the technical session Dr. Muralidhara B.M., delivered a talk on scientific cultivation and multiplication of teasel guard and Dr. Rani A.T., Scientist (Agri. Entomology) created awareness on diseases and pest management in teasel gourd. Dr. Madhu G.S. delivered a talk on applications and usage of Trichoderma and Dr. Nayan Deepak G., presented on role of distributed fruits in maintaining human health and generating income. Field visit was also arranged for the farmers to showcase the results of teasel gourd variety Arka Bharath. Hands on training was given to farmers on hand pollination. The different fruit plants and tricoderma were distributed to the farmers under SCSP. More than 50 SC farmers from different parts of Kodagu district participated and benefitted from this programme.