A special training programme on “Advances in Horticultural Production Technologies” for the farmers of Trichy and Theni Districts of Tamil Nadu was organised at ICAR-IIHR, Bangalore from July 25-27th,2022. The purpose of the training progarmme was to create awareness among the farmers about ICAR-IIHR technologies. Dr. V. Sankar, Principal Scientist, Division of Social Sciences and Training ICAR-IIHR, delivered lecture on "Improved Vegetable Varieties and hybrids of IIHR and latest production technologies” suitable for Trichy and Theni Districts of Tamil Nadu followed by ICAR-IIHR fruit crop technologies and other commercial horticultural technologies explained by Dr. R. Senthil Kumar, Principal Scientist. Dr.Usha Bharathi, Senior Scientist explained about different varieties/hybrids and technologies available in flower crops division. Scientists from Crop Protection Division, Dr.G.Sangeetha and Dr.N.R.Prasanna Kumar interacted with farmers and cleared doubts related to pest and disease management of various Horticultural crops.There was an interaction meeting with farmers and scientists at the end of each lecture where in doubts raised by the farmers were cleared. Field visit to demonstration block, polyhouses, ATIC, Vegetable seed unit, machineries workshop, mushroom lab and nursery units were made. During the field visit Dr.S.Bhuvaneswari, Principal Scientist explained about post-harvest management practices of various horticultural crops and BESST HORT activities. During valedictory program, Dr.D.Sreenivasa murthy, Principal Scientist and Head (i/c) distributed certificate to all the participants and emphasized the farmers of Tamil Nadu to take up demonstration of ICAR-IIHR released varieties and hybrids of fruits, vegetables and flowers. Further he urged to make use of IIHR seed portal for purchase of seeds and planting materials required for respective region and explained about various marketing strategies for tomato crops to get good yield coupled with higher income. This programme was attended by 37 farmers and 10 officials from Department of Horticulture and Plantation Crops, Government of Tamil Nadu, Theni, Erode and Trichy. At the end of the training programme, under SCSP/TSP project, SC/ST farmers from both the districts were identified and distributed with ICAR-IIHR vegetable seeds of tomato and chilli. The whole programme was organized and coordinated by Dr.V.Sankar and Dr. R. Senthil Kumar, Division of Social Sciences and Training, ICAR-IIHR, Bangalore.