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- ANNONA - Arka Sahan
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- It is a progeny of Island gem (Annona atemoya Hort.) X Mammoth (A. squomosa L.).
- Arka Sahan fruits come to harvest in September-October and mature fruits (210 g) take about 6-7 days to ripe.
- The skin has a waxy bloom, light green in colour, moderately thick (0.5 cm) with large, flat eyes.
- The creamy white colour flesh is juicy with mild pleasant aroma and tender with scarce seeds (9/100 g) and large segments.
- The edible pulp is remarkable for its sweetness with 22.8% total sugars and measures more than 30oB as against 24oB in Mammoth.
- A 100g pulp of Arka Sahan contains 2.49 g of crude protein, 42.29 mg P and 225 mg Ca against 1.33 g, 17.05 mg and 159 mg respectively in Mammoth.
- On an average, 12 tonnes of fruits can be harvested / ha. and resistant to drought.