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- This hybrid is a cross between Black Champa and Thompson seedless.
- The plant is vigorous.
- On bower system of training at 3 m x 3 m planting distance, its yield potential is 28 tons/ha and 25 kg/vine.
- Time required for harvesting from pruning is 150-155 days.
- The bunches are well filled to slightly compact, weighing an average of 360 g/bunch, black, seedless and average berry weight is 3.2 g. T.S.S. varies from 20-22oBrix and acidity from 0.6-0.7 per cent. Vines are very productive. All the buds on the cane are fruitful and therefore no specific pruning requirement. It is possible to take two crops in a year and it is also suitable for head system of training. It is tolerant to anthracnose disease. Quality is superior because of high sugar content and crispy pulp of berries. It is very good for table and also for red dessert wine making. Trials of this hybrid has been done in Nasik and Sangli areas of Maharashtra. It is performing very well in both the locations. It responds very well to GA treatment for berry elongation. This variety was released in the year 1992.