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Central Horticultural Experiment Station(CHES), Bhubaneswar
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Dr. Gobinda Chandra Acharya
Principal Scientist & HEAD,
Central Horticultural Experiment Station
(Regional research station of ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru),
Aiginia, Bhubaneswar - 751019
Odisha, INDIA
Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Aiginia, Bhubaneswar a regional station of ICAR -Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore was established on 6th November 1992. The Station is located in Aiginia which was founded and inaugurated by Dr. Balram Jakhar, Union Minister of Agriculture and Co-operation, Govt. of India and President, Indian Council of Agriculture Research. The station has approximately 40 hectare area. Ever since the station has progressed substancially in achieving its mission and mandates. The station is primarily working on genetic resource management, production, protection
technology and transfer of technology. The station is also working on many externally aided projects to bridge the identified gap in achieving the objectives. The Station has developed different varieties and technologies to suit the agro-climatic conditions of the eastern region and propagated them in best possible mechanisms available to different parts of the State of Odisha and other parts of Eastern India as per the mission of “Development and dissemination of sustainable technologies for enhanced horticultural productivity, quality and profitability”. Now the station has office and laboratory, research farm under micro irrigation system, ATIC, training hall and nursery unit.
Technological excellence for nationally competitive horticulture in eastern region
Development and dissemination of sustainable technologies for enhanced horticultural productivity, quality and profitability.
- To conduct applied & strategic research to enhance productivity, quality, utility and sustainability of horticultural crops including future vegetables and mushroom for Eastern region.
- To act as a repository of horticultural genetic resources and their management required for the region.
- Transfer of technology, impact assessment and human resource development in Horticultural Crops
Research Achievements
A. Plant genetic resource
Collection, conservation, evaluation and utilization of germplasm of fruits and vegetables as well as identification of varieties and hybrids suitable for the region were important activities of the station. The numbers of germplasm lines and varieties have been collected, maintained and being evaluated at the station.
Crops |
Total collection |
Fruit crops |
Mango |
122 |
Jackfruit |
37 |
Bael |
11 |
Annona sp. |
11 |
Underutilized fruit crops |
31 |
Sub-total |
212 |
Vegetable crop |
Ivy gourd |
18 |
Pointed gourd |
20 |
Spine gourd |
40 |
Teasel gourd |
80 |
Bitter gourd |
48 |
Sweet gourd |
01 |
Melothria |
07 |
Chilli |
106 |
Moringa |
10 |
Beans |
40 |
Leafy vegetables |
50 |
Sub-total |
420 |
Grand total |
632 |
- IC numbers for 81 mango germplasm, Solanum melongena-2 and Momordica suboica-1 have been obtained.
- Capsicum chinense: IC 553688 (INGR 13068) a unique Germplasm has been registered with NBPGR.
- Coccinia grandis: (INGR 09126) a unique germplasm of ivy gourd has been registered with NBPGR.
Establishment of Mango Gene Bank
A mango gene bank has been jointly established by CHES (IIHR), Bhubaneswar and Directorate of Horticulture, Government of Odisha at the State Horticulture Farm, Dhenkanal. The gene bank will act as a repository of mango germplasm and varieties. The station will transfer all its mango germplasm (103) and varieties (51) to State Horticulture department following the Material Transfer Agreements (MTA) norms. The ex situ establishment of gene bank is first of its kind in which State Department and ICAR jointly perceived the need of conservation of germplasm for their better exploitation. The germplasm will also be available to the scientists for their research purposes.
B. Technologies
a) Varieties released
Following varieties have been developed at CHES (ICAR-IIHR), Bhubaneswar.
Crop |
Variety |
Breeding tool used |
Specific Characters |
Photograph |
Mango |
Arka Neelachal Kesari |
Clonal Selection |
Extra early (ripening in March), Colour, high yield and fruit fly free in coastal Orissa |
Custard apple |
Arka Neelachal Vikram |
Clonal Selection |
High yield, low seed content, high keeping quality. |
Rose apple |
Arka Neelachal Akshay |
Selection |
High fruit weight pulp content, low incidence of fruit fly |
Chilli |
Arka Neelachal Prabha |
Mass Selection |
Upright growth, heavy fruiting, dark green fruit, also suitable for red chilli |
Brinjal |
Arka Neelachal Shyama |
Mass Selection |
High yield, round light purple fruit with soft pulp suitable for frying. |
Arka Neelachal Yodha |
Mass Selection |
High yielding, good quality, green, oblong fruit |
Spine Gourd |
Arka Neelachal Shree |
Selection |
High yield, good appearance, high market preference |
Arka Neelachal Shanti (Hybrid) |
Selection |
The variety exhibits plant and flower morphology more similar to teasel gourd while its fruit morphology is more close to spine gourd. |
Teasle gourd |
Arka Neelachal Gaurav |
Selection |
High yield, soft seed, high market preference. |
Ivy gourd |
Arka Neelachal Khunkhi |
Selection |
Extra-large fruit, soft texture, high yield, suitable for salad also. |
Arka Neelachal Sabuja |
Selection |
High yield, hardy plant type, tolerance to bruishing. |
Pointed Gourd |
Arka Neelachal Kirti |
Selection |
High yield, solid core, soft seed, high market preference. |
Dolichos Bean |
Arka Neelachal Pushti |
Selection |
Bold seeded, high yielder as rich in protein content and micronutrient |
Amaranthus |
Arka Neelachal Ruchitha
Selection |
Resistant to white rust, multi-cut, green and fleshy stem |
Arka Neelachal Vrichitha
Selection |
Resistant to white rust, pulling type, green with purple blotch |
Arka Neelachal Bainishi |
Selection |
Resistant to white rust, pulling type, green with purple with pink stem |
Items |
Name of machinery |
Specific Characters |
Photograph |
Jackfruit peeler
Arka Neelachal Raw jackfruit peeler |
The semi-manual machine hastens the process of peeling of raw jackfruit as compared to the manual traditional peeling using knife. Peeling of 3-4 kg weighing jackfruit can be completed in less than five minutes. |
Fertreedrill |
Arka Neelachal Fertreedrill
Suitable for fertilizer applications in fruit crops. Delivery rate: 4-10 kg/ minute -Coverage: 1-2 ha/day -Cost effectiveness: › 200 % -Labour efficiency: › 500 % |
c) Promising fruit varieties identified for the region
d) Production technologies
S.No. |
Technology |
Brief description |
1. |
Mango-based intercropping models |
Sweet potato-cowpea-amaranth and cowpea-tomato-okra combinations as intercrop were found to be the best in terms of economic returns. Miniature fruit crops like pine apple grown in 50-60% inter space in young mango orchard has also been found equally remunerative. |
2. |
Fertigation in Banana |
75% recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF*) *RDF=200 : 80 : 220 g NPK / plant 3:2:1 (NPK ratio) and 75:20:27.5 (NPK dose) for vegetable growth. |
3. |
Nutrient management in guava |
Different doses of NPK influenced the growth and fruit yield of guava variety Allahabad Safeda after 7th year imposition of treatment |
4. |
Single trellis system for cucurbits |
Suitable for pointed gourd, bitter gourd, spine gourd, teasel gourd, ivy gourd |
e) Protection technologies
On-going externally aided projects
- Tribal Sub-plan on Promotion of Horticulture for Tribal Livelihood (TSP)
- Development of National database on mango (DBT funded project)
- Consortium Research Platform (CRP) on Borers (ICAR)
- All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Vegetable crops (ICAR)
- All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Fruits (ICAR)
Extension activities
- Planting material supply of new varieties / hybrids of the fruits and vegetables to farmers / state government.
- Farmers group visits
- NGOs sponsored trainings
- Government sponsored trainings
- On-campus training to Government officers
- On campus training
- Off campus training
- Kisan Ghosti/ day /Mela
- Stall for demonstration of technologies
- Publication of extension literature
- Trellis technology has been adopted by State government.
- IPM scheme in mango implemented.
Human Resource Development in the Horticulture Sector
100 students in 7 batches (Horticulture vocational) have completed their one year practical training. Six M Sc (Biotechnology) students of Trident Academy of Creative Technology (affiliated to Utkal University) carried out their project work at CHES, Bhubaneswar.
Other activities at CHES
- Farm advisory services, demonstrations, technological support to State department of horticulture, farmers, NGO’s, officers from different institutes, other entrepreneurs etc.
Facilities created
Infrastructure : Office cum Laboratory Building, Conference hall, Central laboratory, Exhibition hall, Library, ATIC, Training hall, Farm unit, Net/poly house, Potting shed, Vermicompost unit, Bore well and Water harvesting ponds etc.
Equipment/Machinery : HPLC, Spectrophotometer, PCR machine, Gel documentation unit, Stereozoom microscope, Autoclave, Electronic weighing balance, Laminar flow cabinet, Generator, Tractor/power tiller, Hedge pruner/weed cutter etc.
Events Organized
Research papers:98, Popular Articles / News:68, Book chapters:18, Extension bulletins:12, Extension Folders:19, Books:13 and Paper Presented in Seminar/Symposium:146
Directorate of Horticulture, Government of Odisha, RC-CTCRI, Bhubaneswar, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, CIFA, Bhubaneswar, CISH, Lucknow, CIWA, Bhubaneswar, AICRP (Fruits), IIHR, Bengaluru, AICRP (Vegetables), IIVR, Varanasi, Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi, NABARD, National Horticulture Board
Prominent visitors: Many distinguished personnel have visited the station like
Name | Designation | |
Gobinda Chandra Acharya | Principal Scientist (Hort.) & Head | |
Srinivas Petikam | Principal Scientist (Plant Pathology) | |
Vaisakhi K C | Scientist(Soil Science) | |
Satyapriya Singh | Scientist, (Agril. Entomology) | |
A.V.V. Koundinya | Scientist (Senior Scale) | |
Deepa Samant | Scientist (Hort.) |; |
Name | Designation | Profile Photo | |
Jagadish A.M. | Technical Assistant (Driver-Workshop) |
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Shivaraj.D.T | Technician(Field/Farm) |
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Lijina | Technical Assistant(Lab) |
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Giriraja Naik | Technical Assistant(Lab) |
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Deepa.T J | Technical Assistant(Library)-T3 |
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Amrit Kumar | Technical Trainee (T-1) |
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Bhanu Pratap Singh Pandoliya | Technical Trainee (T-1) |
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Shreenath Mishra | Technical Trainee (T-1) |
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Suvam Mishra | Technical Trainee (T-1) |
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Name | Designation | Profile Photo | |
Rina Pattnayak | Assistant Finance & Accounts Officer |
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Arun Kumar Barik | Assistant Administrative Officer |
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Anapurna Behera | Assistant Administrative Officer |
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Suvasini Pradhan | Private Secretary |
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