Arka Saka Nivaraka’ - an environmentally-safe technology for prevention of spongy tissue in Alphonso mango Spongy tissue disorder of Alphonso mango has been plaguing both domestic and export marketing. Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru, for the first time in the world, developed an environmentally-safe formulation ‘Arka Saka Nivarak’ for prevention of spongy tissue. The invention is a result of systematic basic and strategic research efforts spread over 15 years since 1998 of Dr. V. Ravindra, Principal Scientist, Division of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry and his team. “Arka Saka Nivaraka’ liquid formulation needs to be applied twice at pre-harvest stage between 40 to 60 per cent maturity, either by dipping the fruits (while on the tree) in solution or by spray on the fruits, @ 100 to 125ml/ litre. Dipping ensures 100 per cent prevention of spongy tissue, while, spray results in 95 to 98 per cent success as a few fruits may escape contact with the formulation. Dipping uses up lesser quantity of the formulation and is economical, while, spray consumes more volume of the formulation and is, thereby, slightly more expensive. Pre-harvest dip treatment of fruits twice between 40-60 per cent maturity stage @100 -125ml/litre costs around 0.50 paisa/fruit, including labour charges. Fruit-dippers of various capacities have also been developed by IIHR for ease of dipping fruits while on the tree, and these dippers reach a height of upto 20-25’. Fruits treated with Arka Saka Nivaraka two weeks after harvest The formulation also helps to improve fruit quality like higher fruit weight (10-20%), better appearance, uniform development of colour both externally and internally, better fruit firmness, improved pulp texture, aroma and extended shelf-life of fruits (up to 3 weeks under ambient conditions). Alphonso mango growers are recommended to use ‘Arka Saka Nivaraka’ to obtain high quality fruits for export as well as for domestic market at an affordable cost, and earn extra income by obtaining higher quantity of marketable fruits. The technology is available for commercialization. For more details contact Director, IIHR, Hessaraghatta, Bengaluru 560 089, Karnataka, India Or Dr. V. Ravindra, Principal Scientist, Division of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, IIHR, Hessaraghatta, Bengaluru 560 089, Karnataka, India E-mail:, Mobile: 09342480197