Training Programme on Climate Resilient Technologies suitable for Onion and Tomato Cultivation to farmers
Farmers of cluster of nine villages in Kadur and Birur taluk of Chikkamangaluru district selected for implementing the NICRA activities under TDC of IIHR are cultivating onion extensively i.e., by more than 90% of farmers, during Kharif. Few other crops like tomato, capsicum, carrot, chilli, mango, along with areca nut and coconut are also cultivated by these farmers. Considering the importance of crops 1st training programme was organised under NICRA-project for farmers of these cluster of villages on Climate Resilient Technologies suitable for Onion and Tomato Cultivation at Giriyapura village of Kadar Taluk, Chikkamangalur district, Karnataka, Bangalore on 08.02.2013. More than 220 farmers, including 35 farm women, from nine villages namely Giriyapura, Hirenallur, Chikkanallur, Narasipura, Malenahhalli, Sollapura, Bantaganahalli, Seegehalli and M. Hosahalli of two taluks participated in the programme.
The programme was attended by Sri.G.Haalappa, President, PACS, Giriyapura, Mr.Kashinath, G.H. a senior most and a progressive farmer, Mr.Sanjay, SADH, Kadur taluk Mrs. Anuradha Narahari, D.M., NABARD, Chikkamangaluru. Dr.B.Balakrishna, Senior Scientist, Division of Extension and Training, IIHR, coordinated the proceeding of the programme and also shared his experiences of implementation of Technological aspects under NICRA programmes in different districts of Karnataka. Dr.R.M.Bhatt, P.I. NICRA at IIHR gave a brief introduction to the NICRA programme and role of IIHR in promoting Climate Resilient Technologies under NICRA. Dr.S.D.Doijode, Head, Division of Extension and Training, IIHR explained on the extension activities undertaken in other villages under NICRA project for promoting Climate Resilient Technologies.
The aspects covered during the programme include: i) impact of climate change and need for adopting Climate Resilient Technologies for horticultural crops to avoid the damage by climate change. ii) improved varieties/hybrids and Climate Resilient Technologies for tomato and other vegetable crops in relation to changing climatic conditions (Dr.Shankara S Hebbar), iii) Onion varieties/hybrids and their best management practices suitable for sustainable production under changing climatic conditions (Dr.R. Veere Gowda) iv) Integrated Pest Management in Onion and Tomato (Sri.P.N.Krishnamurthy), Integrated Disease Management in Onion and Tomato (Dr.A.K.saxena). iv) Dr. Srinath Dixit, CRIDA, Hyderabad had detailed interaction with the participants on major four areas of TDC and during his address he shared with the gathering the components being implemented by 100 KVK’s under the project. He has given the guidelines for planning the formation of groups to enhance the benefits of using CRT’s and NICRA project in these villages. Other NICRA team members, Dr.V.Sridhar and Mr. Umamaheshwar,M.S. also assisted in conducting this programme.