Farmers Meet on 17.12.2012
A training programme was organised under NICRA project for farmers of Kadar Taluk, Chikkamangalur district, Karnataka at IIHR, Bangalore on 17.12.2012. These farmers were from semi-arid region which is completely rain shadow area of the district, where in many dryland agricultural crops like ragi, jowar, maize, etc. along with horticultural crops like onion, chilli, mango, arecanut crops are cultivated extensively under rainfed condition. In order to give a firsthand exposure of the latest climate resilient technologies, a training programme was organised on the topic “Climate Resilient Technologies in vegetable crops”.
A total of 31 farmers from five villages of Kadur taluk namely Giriyapura, Basuru, Hirenallur, Chikkanallur and Chennapura participated in the training programme. Many aspects of vegetable production was discussed intensively such as suitability of vegetable varieties and improved production technologies under changing climatic conditions. Dr.B.Balakrishna, Senior Scientist, Division of extension coordinated the field and laboratory visits. During the visit practical exposure of the latest developments in the field of post harvest management, including processing of onion and few fruit crops; drip, mulching, fertigation, IPM, IDm in production of vegetable crops like onion, chilli and capsicum, use of machinaries in horticultural crops, including drum seeding of onion, was arranged for the benefit of all the participants.