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Training on “Quality Planting Material Production in dragon fruit” organized by CHES (ICAR-IIHR), Bhubaneswar on 31.12. 2024

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In Odisha, dragon fruit cultivation is gaining popularity on account of its market value and suitable climatic conditions. However, availability of quality planting material (QPM) at affordable price is the major hurdle in achieving the desired pace of area expansion in the state. Considering the scope and potential of dragon fruit cultivation in the East coast region, training program on Quality Planting Material Production in dragon fruit was organized by CHES (ICAR-IIHR), Bhubaneswar on 31 December 31, 2024 as part of MIDH project entitled “Establishment of a mother block and model nursery for production of QPM of dragon fruit in Odisha”.

The training was aimed to equip participants with the various scientific and practical aspects of dragon fruit cultivation and nursery raising. The program was attended by 40 fruit growers from three districts of Odisha, namely, Khordha, Cuttack, and Dhenkanal. On the occasion, Dr. G. C. Acharya, Head shared his views on significance and scope of dragon fruit nursery in Odisha. Dr. Deepa Samant, Sr. Scientist spoke on the aspects of production technology, quality planting material production and nursery management. Dr. P. Srinivas, Principal Scientist and Dr. Satyapriya Singh, Scientist trained the farmers on disease management and Insect pest management, respectively. Participants visited mother block and nursery of dragon fruit for practical training on planting material production.   Participants expressed their satisfaction over the efforts taken by the center in the direction of skill-upgradation and technology transfer. The program was coordinated by Dr. Deepa Samant with the help of project staff Mr. Manoj Kumar Sahoo, Ms. Rajshree Sahoo, Ms. Payal, and Mr. Dibya Ranjan Das.