French bean - Arka Sukomal
High yielding rust resistant pole bean variety.Plants are indeterminate which grow more than 2.0min height. Variety takes 60 days for 1st harvest. Pods stringless, oval, green and long (23 cm).
High yielding rust resistant pole bean variety.Plants are indeterminate which grow more than 2.0min height. Variety takes 60 days for 1st harvest. Pods stringless, oval, green and long (23 cm).
Plants are bushy, vigorous and photo-insensitive. Pods are green, stingless with smooth surface. Suitable for both rabi and summer. Resistant to MYMV disease. Pod Yield: 17 t/ha in 70 days.
Plants are bushy and photo-insensitive. Round, string less, smooth pods suitable for steam cooking. Pods are crisp, fleshy with no parchment and perfectly round on cross section. Pod yield: 18.5 t/ha in 70 days.
Plants bushy, photo-insensitive. Resistance to both rust and bacterial blight. Pods long, flat and straight. Pod Yield: 20 t/ha in 70-75 days.
Plants bushy and photo insensitive. Pods straight, oval, light green, fleshy, string less and crisp. Pod Yield: 19 t/ha in 70-75 days.
Plants erect and bushy, photo-insensitive. Flat, green straight pods. Good for transportation and excellent cooking quality.