Arka Shyama
Water melon Variety: Arka Shyama
Water melon Variety: Arka Shyama
Shorter inter nodal length and early maturing type (75-80 days). It has round fruits with dark green stripes and deep red flesh ice box type average fruit weight is 2.5-3 kg with TSS ranging from 12 to 14 0 Brix. Fruit yield 50 to 60 t/ha. Suitable for precision farming and also high density planting
High yielding F1 hybrid fruit are oblong with high TSS 12-130 brcx. Red flush, sweet taste yield 80t/ha
High yielding F1 hybrid fruits are round to oval, Light green with dark green stripes, red flush and TSS-120 brick. Yield in 75-80t/ha.
Fruits are oval with light green rind to dark green stripes. Deep crimson flesh with granular texture, pleasant aroma, very sweet, TSS 12-150 brix. Average fruit weight is 6 kg. Seeds small with dark brown specks on the test Triple resistant to powdery mildew, Downey mildew and anthracnose. Yield 60 t/ha.