Sample Heading

Sample Heading


Sl No. Crop Name Variety / Hybrid Name Description Image
1 Teasle Gourd

Arla Bjarath- Teasel Gourd

High yielding Teasel gourd variety. It is vigorous growing plant, vine grows up to 6m tall and robust. Fruits are attractive dark green, long and fruit with soft seed and high quality edible pulp portion for culinary purpose. Individual fruit weight in 110g. yield 10t/ha.

2 Chilli

Arka Gagan 

High yielding chilli F1 hybrid suitable for green chilli market, plants medium tall & spreading, fruits erect solitary, 8-9 x 1- 1.1cm, firm, highly pungent, green and turn red on maturity, smooth turn slightly wrinkled on maturity, tolerant to chilli leaf curl virus,  yield potential 80-100q green chilli/ acre,  recommended for eastern dry zone of Karnataka

3 Chilli

Arka Tanvi 

High yielding chilli F1 hybrid suitable for green and dry chilli market, plants tall & spreading, fruits pendent,9-10 x 1cm, firm, medium pungent, green and turn deep red on maturity, smooth turn wrinkled on maturity, tolerant to chilli leaf curl virus,  yield potential 80-100q green and 30-35q dry chilli/ acre,  recommended for eastern dry zone of Karnataka

4 Chilli

Arka Saanvi 

High yielding chilli F1 hybrid suitable for green and dry chilli market, plants medium  tall & spreading, fruits pendent, 7-8 x 1-1.2 cm, firm, medium pungent, green and turn red on maturity, smooth turn to medium wrinkled on maturity, tolerant to chilli leaf curl virus,  yield potential 30-35q dry chilli/ acre,  recommended for eastern dry zone of Karnataka

5 Chilli

Arka Yashasvi (H 8): Chilli F1 hybrid resistant to ChLCV

High yielding chilli F1 hybrid, plants tall & spreading, fruits pendent, 8-10 x 1.2 cm, firm, medium pungent, green and turn deep red on maturity, smooth turn to medium wrinkled on maturity, tolerant to chilli leaf curl virus,  yield potential 30-35q dry chilli/ acre,  recommended for eastern dry zone of Karnataka

6 Chilli

High yielding chilli F1 hybrid, plants medium tall & spreading, fruits pendent, 7-8 x 1-1.1 cm, firm, highly pungent, green and turn deep red on maturity, smooth turn to medium wrinkled on maturity, tolerant to chilli leaf curl virus,  yield potential 30-35q dry chilli/ acre, recommended for eastern dry zone of Karnataka

7 Watermelon

Water melon Variety: Arka Shyama

An icebox segment watermelon variety "ARKA SHYAMA" has dark greenish black rind, oblong fruit shape, early (65-70 days to harvest) possessing dark red coloured, crispy, sweet (TSS-12%) flesh.


Arka Supreme:  A high yielding Avocado variety

It is a regular bearing and high yielding genotype with spreading type growth habit.

A fully grown tree gives the fruit yield about 370-400 kg/plant with average fruit weight of 367-428 g.

The fruits are oblong with 7.80 Brix TSS.

The flowering behaviour of this variety falls under Type “A” category.

Total fat content in the fruit is 20.0 %. 


Teasel gourd Variety: Arka Bharath

A high yielding Teasel gourd variety:

  • It is a vigorous growing plant; vine grows up to 6 m tall and robust.
  • Fruits are attractive, dark green, long oval fruit with soft seed and high quality edible pulp portion for culinary purpose.
  • Individual fruit weight is 110 g.
  • The fruit yield potential is 10 t/ha
10 Gerbera Arka Red

Gerbera Variety: Arka Red

  • The flowers are bright red in colour
  • Double in nature
  • It is best suitable for growing outside
  • It is suitable for both beds and cut flower
  • It yields 360 flower per sq meter per year
  • It can be planted anytime
11 Bottle gourd

Bottle gourd variety, Arka Nutan:


Arka Nutan is moderately resistant to gummy stem blight (Didymella bryoniae) with a yield potential of 46 t/ha. Fruits are light green medium cylindrical. This variety will be ready to first picking by 56 days.

12 Bottle gourd

Bottle gourd variety- Arka Shreyas:

Arka Shryas resistant to gummy stem blight (Didymella bryoniae) with yield potential of 48 t/ha. Fruits are green and club shape. This variety will be ready to first picking by 60 days.  It is an open pollinated variety

13 Bottle gourd

Bottle Gourd- Arka Ganga

F1 hybrid Arka Ganga is resistant to gummy stem blight (Didymella bryoniae) with a yield potential of 58 t/ha. Fruits are green and oblong / oval. This hybrid will be ready to first picking by 56 days after planting. It is an open pollinated variety.



Pummelo Variety Arka Anantha

It is a clonal variant of pummelo accession-25.The tree is medium size (2.0-3.0 m) with drooping branches and it bears fruits in two season in a year. The fruit weight ranged from 0.9-1.2 kg, oblique fruit shape and has pink pulp, TSS (11-12°B), acidity (1.2 %), sweet in taste  with low level of Naringenin (160.60 ng/ml)  as a bitter principle and suitable for fresh consumption. It can yield an average  of 80-90 fruits/plant/season after 4 years after planting and average yield of 200-250 kg/plant/year in 10 years old trees.


Pummelo Variety, Arka Chandra

It is a clonal variant of pummelo accession-18. The tree is medium size (2.0-3.0m), with spreading branches and bears fruits in two season in a year. The fruit weight ranged from 0.8-1.0kg, spheroid fruit shape and has creamy white pulp (White group 155 A), TSS (11-12°B), acidity (0.89%) and sweet in taste with low level of Naringenin (344.75 ng/ml) as a bitter principle and suitable for fresh consumption. It can yield an average of 35-40 fruits/plant/season after 4 years after planting) and average yield of 180-200kg/plant/year in 10 years old trees.

16 Mango Arka Udaya

Semi-vigorous plant type, fruits are medium sized with bunch bearing. The fruits have the peel colour of Anmol and with the pulp characteristics of Amrapali, firm and deep yellow pulp, high TSS (24 0Brix) with better keeping quality (12-15 days).

17 Mucuna Arka Chandan

Medium duration (155-165 days) variety with the seed yield of 3.0 to 3.5 t/ha under support and 2.0 t/ha under surface cultivation with the L dopa content of 3.86% and yield of 150.39 kg/ha. It produces medium bold size seeds with white seed coat. (IIHR Sel.3)

18 Mucuna Arka Shukla

Medium duration (155-165 days) variety with the seed yield of 3.0 to 3.5 t/ha under support and 2.0 t/ha under surface cultivation with the L dopa content of 3.86% and yield of 150.39 kg/ha. It produces medium bold size seeds with white seed coat. (IIHR Sel.3)

19 Mucuna Arka Charaka

High yielding medium duration (155-165 days) variety with non-irritant trichomes produces      medium size seeds with black shiny seed coat. It yields 4.0 to 4.25 t/ha under support and 2.0 to 2.25 t/ha under surface cultivation with high L dopa content (4.80%) and yield (200 kg/ha). (IIHR PS 6)

20 Mucuna Arka Shubra

High yielding long duration (180-190 days) variety with non-irritant trichomes produces medium size seeds with white seed coat. It yields 4.5 to 5.5 t/ha under support, 2.25 to 2.75 t/ha under surface cultivation with high L dopa content of 5.43% and yield of 269.67 kg/ha. (IIHR PS 2).

21 Mucuna Arka Dhanwantri

Seed yield of 4.2 t/ha

L-dopa yield of 190 kg/ha

Long duration: 185-190 days

Purple flowers on long rachis

No Fruiting in basal nodes

Shiny black seed coat / medium sized seeds

22 Mucuna Arka Aswini

Seed yield of 2.31t/ha

L dopa content of 3.5-4.0%

L-dopa yield of 80.62 kg/ha

Non-irritant trichomes

Short duration: 120-130 days

Purple flowers on short rachis

Fruiting in basal nodes

Immature fruits balck in colour Released in 2010

23 Centellaasiatica Arka Divya (CA-1)

Suitable for vegetable purpose with broad leaf, high biomass yield, mineral and vitamin A (32.33mg/100g) content.

24 Centellaasiatica Arka Prabhavi (CA-13)

Recorded higher Asiaticoside content (>3%) and total Tri-Terpenes content (6-8%) suitable for active ingredient extraction industry.

25 Ashwagandha Arka Ashwagandha

The dry root yield is around 12 q/ha with a  withanolide concentration of 0.58%. It is tolerant to bacterial wilt and late blight diseases.

26 Rose Arka Sinchana

Arka Sinchana is highly floriferours  everblooming floribunda rose identified for garden display Flowers are bright red in color (RHS colour chart Red Group-43-A) with flowers produced in bunches. Young leaves are bronze green in colour turning to deep green as the leaves mature.  Flowers are small in size (5.4cm), and filled with multiple petals ranging 40-45/flower.  On an average it produces 1250-1500 flowers/plant/year.

27 Rose Arka Sharmeeli

Arka Sharmeeli  is an ever blooming floriferous Hybrid T rose identified for garden display.  Flower color changes from light pink to different shades of red from bud to different stages of blooming.  Flowers are produced in bunches of 2-3 flowers at the tip of long stalks.  On an average it produces 450-500 flowers/plant/ year.  Flowers are medium size with an average flower diameter of 7-8cm and with 30-35petals/flower.   In the initial stage of flower opening, petal colour is of redgroup 50-A and slowly colour turns dark with red group 53-A as recorded with RHS color chart.

28 Rose Arka Kinnari

Arka Kinnari is an ever blooming floriferous Hybrid T rose identified for garden display .  It produces bicolor flower consisting vermilion red shading towards orient pink. High  centered buds  with slow twisted opening makes it an attractive flower.  Arka Kinnari is characterised by long stalk with cluster of flowers. It has dark green shining foliage.   On an average it produces around 400-450 flowers/plant/year.  Flowers are large with an average flower diameter of 10-11cm and with 35-40petals/flower.  Petal inner side colour is red group 38-A and outer side is  red-purple group 65-D while colour of basal spot is yellow group 2-D as recorded with RHS color chart . 

29 Rose Arka Savi

It has been identified for commercial cultivation in open field for loose flower production.  'ArkaSavi' is a spray category of rose belonging to floribunda group.  It has flowers of Purple Pink flower (RHS colour chart Red purple group 66-A) and flowers are produced in bunches.   ‘ArkaSavi’, the rose hybrid is identified for its floriferous nature with high yield. Potential yield of flowers expected is 30 tons/acre/year.  In addition to high yield, it has added advantage of long shelf life (5 -6 days). Rose hybrid for loose flower production in open field.

30 Rose Arka Sukanya

Fragrant flowers, highly floriferous; ideal for garden display, potential for aroma extraction and  aroma therapy. It was identified for release by Institute VTIC

31 Rose Arka Pride

Flowers are orange in colour; for cut flower, for open field and protected cultivation.

32 Rose Arka Ivory

Flowers are creamish white in colour, moderately resistant to mites, long flower stalk; for cut flower production under protected cultivation.

33 Rose Arka Swadesh

Identified for cut flower production  

under Polyhouse cultivation

Long stalk flowers with an average stalk length of 65-70cm

High yielding capacity of 145 fl stalks/   Medium sized flowers with good keeping quality (6 days).

Shining foliage and flowers of attractive red color.

34 Rose Arka Parimala

Red-purple coloured flowers, fragrant and moderately resistant to thrips and black spot.

Yield: 5.5 to 6.0 lakh loose flowers /acre /year.

35 Marigold

French marigold photo insensitive variety with double coloured flower. Border is orange (RHS colour chart Orange group N-25C) and center is dark red (RHS colour chart red group 44-A). Plants are dwarf with spreading habit and floriferous.  Flowering is observed throughout the year.

Days to flower initiation:30-35 days after planting with a flowering duration of 6 weeks.

Duration of crop: 3 months

Flower size: 4.8 cm

Flower yield/acre:  5.8 tons/acre

36 Marigold Arka Pari

French marigold photo insensitive variety with dwarf plant habit with spreading habit and floriferous nature.  Flowers are orange in colour. Colour changes into different shades of orange depending upon light, temperature and stage of flower (RHS colour chart -Orange Group N-25B in the beginning changes N-25 C and N-25 D).  Flowering is observed  throughout the year. Flower initiation starts 30 days after planting with a flowering duration of 9 weeks. Duration of crop: 3 months. Flower size: 4.3 cm. Number of flowers : 500-600/plant

Flower yield/acre: 4.7tons/acre

37 Marigold Arka Bangara-2

Flowers are yellow gold colour, vegetatively propagated, early flowering, flowers are compact and large in size; for loose flower. It was identified for release by Institute VTIC .

38 Marigold Arka Agni

Flowers are orange colour, vegetatively propagated, early flowering, flowers are compact and large in size; for loose flower .

39 Marigold Arka Bangara

Flowers are of yellow gold colour, vegetatively propagated, early flowering, floriferous; for loose flower. It was identified for release by Institute VTIC .

40 Gerbera Arka Nesara (IIHR 8-45)

Double type flowers with red group 50A, suitable for cut flower and flower arrangement. It was identified for release by Institute VTIC.

41 Gerbera Arka Ashwa (IIHR 3-34)

Double type flowers with red purple group 68D, suitable for cut flower and flower arrangement. It was identified for release by Institute VTIC

42 Teasle Gourd Arka Neelachal Gaurav

Fruits are attractive, uniform lush green round-oval fruit with soft seed and high-quality edible portion for culinary purposes and soft seeded. It is reported to be tolerant to downy mildew and anthracnose. It yields 18-20 t/ha .

43 Spine Gourd Arka Neelanchal Shanti

It is developed through hybridization between spine gourd and teasel gourd, naturally pollinated, high yielding (15-16 kg/vine) with medium sized fruit (20g), moderately tolerant to fruit borer, anthracnose and downy mildew. It was released by SVRC, Govt. of Odisha in 2016

44 Pointed Gourd Arka NeelachalKirti

Fruits are spindle shaped, dark green in colour with 3-4 fragmented stripes of cream colour and medium sized (10.45 x 3.5 cm) weighing around 40-45g with solid core.  It has a yield potential of 15t/ha .

45 Ivy gourd Arka Neelachal Sabuja

The plants are very vigorous (>10m long) and produce high biomass. Fruits are dark green in appearance with fractured stripe and conical in shape. It gives 70-80 harvest per season (10-11 months) and yield upto 20-25 t/ha .

46 Ivy gourd Arka Neelachal Kunkhi

A dual-purpose (salad as well as cooked) early variety with high yield (20-25 t/ha). Fruits are extra-long (8.39 cm), weighing around 15-20g, uniform, cylindrical with attractive stripes. It produces around 800 fruits in a season with yield potential of 15-20 t/ha .

47 Coriander Arka Isha

It is a multi-cut type, bushy plants, broad leaves, with good aroma, good keeping quality (21 days under refrigeration), rich in Vitamin C (167mg/100g FW), yields 12 t/ha in 3 cuttings in 70 days.

48 Palak Arka Anupama

Multi-cut type, late flowering, medium large, dark green, thick and  succulent leaves,  low in oxalates, yields 40t/ha from 4 cuttings in 75-80 days. Recommended for cultivation in Karnataka.

49 Amaranth Arka Varna

It is a pulling type, rich in antioxidant activity (417mg AEAC units), low in nitrates and oxalates, yields 10-12 t/ha in 30-35 days. Recommended for cultivation in Karnataka

50 Mango Arka Anmol
  • It is a semi-vigorous type, regular bearing and is amenable for high density planting.
  • It is a late season variety, fruits coming to harvest during second to third week of June.
  • Fruits are oblong in shape, medium sized, weighing on an average about 300-330g.
  • Fruits on maturity will be dull green in colour, attaining uniform golden yellow colour on ripening. Skin is thin and smooth.
  • Pulp is orange coloured, firm and free from fibre and spongy tissue with good sugar-acid blend.

The pulp recovery is about 70-75%. Keeping quality is good.

51 Amaranth Arka Samraksha

It is a pulling type, rich in antioxidant activity (499 mg AEAC units), low in nitrates and oxalates, yields 10-12 t/ha in 30-35 days. Recommended for cultivation in Karnataka

52 Amaranth Arka Arunima

Fast growing multicut amaranth variety with purple colored leaves and stem.  Resistant to white rust, yields 26-28 t/ha from 3 cuttings in 60 days duration.

53 Amaranth Arka Suguna

Multi-cut Amaranth variety Light green leaves and succulent stem, rich in calcium and iron, moderately resistant to white rust, yields 25-30 t/ha in 8 cuttings in 90 days duration. Recommended for cultivation in Karnataka

54 Onion Arka Bheem

It is a tri-parental synthetic variety with Red to pinkish red elongated globe shaped bulbs. Average bulb weight is 120 g . Yield 47t/ha in 130 days .

55 Onion

Onion - Arka Sona

Yellow onion developed for export market for Asian countries. Bulb yield: 45t/ha in 120 days.

56 Onion Arka Vishwas

Rose onion developed for export market (Asia) developed through selection . Bulb yield: 30t/ha .

57 Onion Arka Ujjwal

True seed multiplier onion developed for export market developed through pedigree breeding with TSS 180brix. Bulb yield: 30 t/ha .

58 Onion Arka Swadista

White onion developed for fermented preservation with TSS 20 0brix. Bulb yield: 30 t/ha

59 Onion Arka Lalima

CMS based F1 Hybrid Medium to big sized bulbs with globe shape and firm texture. Field tolerance to diseases and pests. Suitable for kharif and rabi. Bulb yield: 47t/ha.

60 Onion Arka Kirhiman

CMS based F1 Hybrid Medium to big sized bulbs with globe shape. Field tolerance to diseases and pests. Suitable for kharif and rabi. Bulb yield: 45 t/ha.

61 Onion Arka Pitamber

Bulbs uniform yellow. Medium size with globe shape and thin neck. Less pungent with TSS 11% and total sugar 9.81%. Tolerant to purple blotch, basal rot diseases and trips with long shelf life (3-4 months). Suitable for export market .

Yield 35 t/ha .

62 Onion Arka Bindu

Highly pungent, export oriented rose onion variety. Exported to Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Bangladesh. Bulbs are attractive shining dark red, flat globe. Suitable for rabi and kharif . Bulb yield: 25t/ha

63 Onion Arka Pragati

Onion - Arka Pragati

Globe shaped bulbs with thin neck. Medium size bulbs with deep pink coloured outer scales and high pungency. Average bulbs weight: 100-160 g. Yield 35 t/ha .

64 Onion Arka Nikitha

Onion - Arka Niketan

Light red bulbs of medium size with pungent flavor. good storability for 5 months under room temperature. Suitable for rabi Bulb yield is 34-37 t/ha .

65 Onion

Onion - Arka Kalyan

Bulbs are attractive red, flat globe, weighing 100-140g. Tolerant to purple blotch disease. Very popular variety and well adopted variety for many agro ecological zones of the country, bulb yield 40t/ha.


Carrot - Arka Suraj

Flowers and sets seeds under tropical condition. Deep orange roots with self colour core. Smooth root surface. Conical shape. Root length 15-18 cm, root diameter 3-4 cm. TSS 8-10 brix. Carotene content 11.27 mg%. Tolerant to powdery mildew and nematodes.


Radish - Arka Nishant

Roots long, marble white in colour with crisp texture and mild pungency. Resistant to pithiness, premature bolting, root branching and forking.  Yield 25-30 t/ha

68 Garden Pea

Garden Pea - Arka Chaitra

Tall, mid-season variety, tolerant to high temperature (upto 350 C).  Pods are long and light green coloured. Seeds are light green, round in shape and sweet. Pod yield:  7.0 t/ha in 90 days.

69 Garden Pea

Garden Pea - Arka Uttam

Tall, mid-season variety, tolerant to high temperature (up to 350 C).  Pods are long and dark green coloured. Seeds are dark green, round in shape and sweet. Pod yield:  7.0 t/ha in 90 days


70 Garden Pea

Medium tall, mid-season variety, tolerant to high temperature (upto 350 C). Pods are short and dark green coloured. Seeds are dark green, round in shape and sweet. Pod yield: 6.0 t/ha in 90 days.

71 Garden Pea

Garden Pea - Arka Mayur

Early variety, suitable for both kharif and rabi. Pods are short, straight and oval. Seeds are dark green, bold and sweet. Pod yield:  8.0 t/ha in 60 days.

72 Gladiolus Arka Pratham

It  is having attractive violet floret colour i.e., Purple Violet (82.A) having Purple (77.A) margin and Green White (157.C) line on lower lip, upright spikes and early flowering (58-65 days). This is suitable for cut flower and bedding purpose and the marketable spikes per corm were 1.59.

73 Garden Pea

Early variety, suitable for both kharif and rabi. Pods are straight and round with dark green, bold and sweet seeds. Pod yield: 8.0 t/ha in 60 days 

74 Gladiolus Arka Ranjini

It is having attractive floret colour i.e., Purple (78.A) middle, Red – Purple (72.A) margin with Green-Yellow (1.D) blotch,  florets arranged in double rows, short spikes and early flowering (62-68 days). This is suitable for cut flower and bedding purpose and the marketable spikes per corm were 1. 82.

75 Garden Pea

Early variety, suitable for both kharif and rabi. Pods are short, round and straight.  Seeds are dark green and bold. Pod yield: 8.5 t/ha in 60 days.

76 Garden Pea

Mid-season and Whole pod edible pea variety.  Pods are medium long, dark green coloured. Seeds are medium bold, dark green and very sweet, crisp in texture. Resistant to rust and powdery mildew. Pod yield: 11.0 t/ha in 90 days.   

77 Gladiolus Arka Aayush

Resistant to Fusarium wilt, red floret colour with red blotch and yellow border; for cut flower and flower arrangement.

78 Garden Pea

Mid-season variety. Pods are green, broad and long. Seeds are bold, round, sweet and dark green in colour. Resistant to powdery mildew and rust. Pod yield: 12.0 t/ha in 90 days.

79 Garden Pea Arka Priya

Mid-season variety. Both pods and seeds are round and dark green colored. Seeds are very sweet and bold.  Resistant to powdery mildew and rust. Pod yield: 12.0 t/ha in 90 days.

80 Garden Pea Arka Sampoorna

Mid-season and Whole pod edible pea variety.  Pods are medium long, light green coloured. Seeds are medium bold, light green and sweet. Resistant to rust and powdery mildew. Pod Yield: 8.0 t/ha in 90 days.

81 Garden Pea Arka Karthik

Mid-season variety.  Pods are medium long, green colored. Seeds are medium bold, green and sweet. Resistant to rust and powdery mildew. Pod Yield: 11.0 t/ha in 90 days.

82 Garden Pea Arka Ajit

Mid-season variety. Pods are medium long, light green coloured. Seeds are bold, green and sweet. Resistant to powdery mildew and rust. Pod Yield: 10.0 t/ha in 90 days.

83 Dolichos Bean Arka Adarsh

Pole type and photo-insensitive variety. Pods are medium long, slightly thick, broad and dark green colored. Pod Yield: 41.0 t/ha in 120 days.

84 Dolichos Bean Arka Krishna

Pole type and photo-insensitive and early variety. Pods are borne in clusters and dark green colored. Pod Yield: 30.0 t/ha in 120 days.

85 Dolichos Bean Arka Pradhan

Pole type and photo-insensitive variety. Pods are green in colour, smooth and shiny with undulating surface. Pod Yield: 35.0 t/ ha in 120 days.

86 Dolichos Bean Arka Visthar

Pole type and photo-insensitive variety. Pods are long, thick, very broad and dark green coloured. Pod Yield 37.0 t/ha in 120 days.

87 Dolichos Bean Arka Bhavani

Pole type and photo-insensitive variety. Pods are slender, wavy and dark green coloured.  Pod Yield: 32.0 t/ha in 120 days.

88 Dolichos Bean Arka Prasidhi

Pole type and photo-insensitive variety. Pods are dark green, long, flat and slightly curved. Resistant to rust. Pod Yield:  37.0 t/ha in 120 days.

89 Dolichos Bean Arka Swagath

Pole type and photo-insensitive variety and suitable for round the year cultivation. Pods are light green, medium long and suitable for Karnataka. Pod Yield: 26.0 t/ha in 120 days.

90 Dolichos Bean Arka Amogh

Bush type photo-insensitive.  Pods are wavy, green, medium long and ready for harvest in 55 days.  Pod Yield: 19-20 t/ha in 75 days.

91 Dolichos Bean Arka Sambhram

Bush type photo-insensitive. Pods are flat, light green, medium long, ready for harvest in 55 days.  Pod Yield: 19-20 t/ha in 75 days.

92 Dolichos Bean Arka Soumya

Bush type, photo-insensitive. Pods are slender, wavy, medium long and ready for harvest in 55 days. Suitable for Andhra Pradesh.

93 Dolichos Bean Arka Jay

Bush type, photo-insensitive. Pods long, light green slightly curved, without parchment. Vegetable type with excellent cooking qualities. Tolerant to low moisture stress. Pod Yield: 12 t/ha in 90 days.

94 Cowpea Arka Samrudhi

Plants erect, bushy and photo-insensitive. Pods green, medium thick, medium long round, tender, fleshy without parchment with good cooking qualities . Pod Yield: 19 t/ha in 70-75 days.

95 Cowpea Arka Mangala

Plants tall (3-4 m), pods are very long (80 cm), light green, stringless, round, tender  with crisp texture and matures in 60 days . Suitable for kharif and rabi. Pod yield: 25 t/ha in 100 days.

96 Cowpea Arka Suman

Plants erect, bushy and photo-insensitive. Pods medium long, tender, fleshy, crisp, without parchment with good cooking qualities . Pod Yield: 18 t/ha  in 70-75 days.

97 Cowpea Arka Garima

Plants tall, photo-insensitive. Pods light green, long, thick, round, fleshy and stringless. Suitable for vegetable purpose. Tolerant to heat and low moisture stress .

Pod Yield: 18 t/ha  in 70-75 days.

98 French bean Arka Sukomal

High yielding rust resistant pole bean variety.Plants are indeterminate which grow more than 2.0min height. Variety takes 60 days for 1st harvest. Pods stringless, oval, green and long (23 cm). Ten pod weight: 87 g. Yield potential: 24 t/ha in 100 days .

Suitable for both kharif & rabi seasons .

99 French bean Arka Arjun

Plants are bushy, vigorous and photo-insensitive. Pods are green, stingless with smooth surface. Suitable for both rabi and summer. Resistant to MYMV disease. Pod Yield: 17 t/ha in 70 days.

100 French bean Arka Sharath

Plants are bushy and photo-insensitive. Round, string less, smooth pods suitable for steam cooking. Pods are crisp, fleshy with no parchment and perfectly round on cross section.  Pod yield: 18.5 t/ha in 70 days.

101 Gladiolus Arka Amar

Florets pink with white blotch

Yield: 30.24 spikes /m2 / crop season

Use: Cut flower

Important character:  It is high yielding and has 8.5 days vase life

Released in 2010

102 French bean Arka Anoop

Plants bushy, photo-insensitive. Resistance to both rust and bacterial blight. Pods long, flat and straight. Pod Yield: 20 t/ha in 70-75 days.

103 French bean Arka Suvidha

Plants bushy and photo insensitive. Pods straight, oval, light green, fleshy, string less and crisp. Pod Yield: 19 t/ha in 70-75 days.

104 Gladiolus Arka Gold

Florets are Yellow with red blotch

Yield: 24.80 spikes /m2 / crop season

Use: Cut flower

Important character: It comes to flowering 74 days after planting

Released in 2010

105 French bean Arka Komal

Plants erect and bushy, photo-insensitive. Flat, green straight pods. Good for transportation and excellent cooking quality.

 Pod Yield: 20 t/ha in 70-75 days.

106 Crossandra Arka Chenna

Flower of this variety is medium sized,  20 per cent bigger than the local.  Petal colour is  orange.  Yield is 4 times higher than the local variety i.e., 40 kgs/ week per 1000 plants,  The shelf life is 3.4 days. The stalk strength is 0.82kg/cm2 which is 20 per cent more than the local variety

107 Okra Arka Nikitha

Early flowering first flower appears at 9th node and take 37-39 days for flowering. First picking starts at 43-45 day after sowing. Fruits are dark green, tender, smooth free from spines.  Yield 21-24t/ha in 125 to 130 days.

108 Okra Arka Anamika

Fruits lush green, tender and long. Fruits free from spines having 5-6 ridges, delicate aroma. Good keeping and cooking qualities. Field tolerant to YVMV. Yield 20 t/ha. Suitable for fresh market.

109 Okra Arka Abhay

Fruits lush green, tender and long. Fruits free from spines having delicate aroma.  Good keeping and cooking qualities. Field tolerant to yellow vein mosaic virus (YVMV). Yield 18 t/ha. Fruits are suitable for fresh market and canning and dehydration

110 Ridge gourd Arka Vikram

Early flowering hybrid (46 days for first picking), green, long, tender fruits, and excellent cooking quality. Yields 34.0 t/ha in 120-135 days. Recommended for cultivation in Karnataka.

111 Ridge gourd Arka Prasan

Open pollinated early variety (42-45 days for first picking), green, long, tender fruits, and excellent cooking quality. Yields 26.0 t/ha in 120-135 days. Recommended for cultivation in Karnataka.


112 Bitter gourd Arka Harit

Fruits spindle shaped, glossy green skin colour without tubercles. Medium-sized fruits, Thick flesh, moderate bitterness, with less seeds. Yield 12 t/ha.

113 Bottle gourd Arka Bahar

Fruits medium long, straight without crookneck. Light green shining fruit skin when tender (1 kg). Tolerant to blossom end rot. Yield 40-45 t/ha.

114 Crossandra Arka Shravya

Possesses flowercolour belonging to Orange –Red group (35.B) of RHS colour chart and suitable as a cut flower as well.

Does not set seeds and has to be multiplied by terminal cuttings.

115 Crossandra Arka Shreeya

Possesses bigger flower size with flower colour belonging to Orange - Red group 32.Cof RHS colour chart.

Does not set seeds and has to be multiplied by terminal cuttings.

116 Pumpkin Arka Chandan

Fruit round with pressed blossom end. Rind colour green with white patches. Thick orange flesh, solid cavity. Rich in carotene. Yield 33 t/ha.

117 Pumpkin Arka Suryamukhi

 Fruits round with pressed ends. Rind colour orange red with white stripes when mature. Fruit stalk round with flared ends. Resistant to fruit fly. Yield 34 t/ha.

118 Long Melon Arka Sheetal

Fruits medium long (length 22cm. and girth 7.8 cm) with light green skin colour covered with soft hair. Each fruit weighing 90-100g at marketable stage. Free from bitter principles with crisp texture. Seeds light tan color. Yield 35 t/ha.

119 Muskmelon Arka Siri

Cantaloupe type fruit with an appealing pattern of netting, plus green sutures on creamish orange rind background, sweet (TSS 12%), dark-orange flesh and a strong, musky aroma.

120 Crossandra Arka Ambara

Orange red, big flowers

Yield:    5.9 t/acre/year

Use: Loose flower

Important character:  Bigger size flowers and also pleasing colour.

121 Muskmelon Arka Jeet

Round but flat at both the ends. Skin colour dark green at early stage of fruit development, which turns into golden orange at full slip stage. Flesh white, medium texture, excellent flavor with high TSS (13-16%). Yield 14-15 t/ha.

122 Round melon Arka Tinda

Fruits round with lush green shining skin covered with soft hair when young and tender (60 g). Yield 10 t/ha.

123 Watermelon Arka Muthu

Shorter inter nodal length and early maturing type (75-80 days). It has round  fruits with dark green stripes and deep red flesh ice box type average fruit weight is 2.5-3 kg with TSS ranging from 12 to 14 0 Brix. Fruit yield 50 to 60 t/ha. Suitable for precision farming and also high density planting

124 Watermelon Arka Aiswarya

High yielding F1 hybrid fruit are oblong with high TSS 12-130 brcx. Red flush,  sweet taste yield 80t/ha

125 Watermelon Arka Akash

High yielding F1 hybrid fruits are round to oval, Light green with dark green stripes, red flush and TSS-120 brick. Yield in 75-80t/ha.

126 Watermelon Arka Manik

Fruits are oval with light green rind to dark green stripes. Deep crimson flesh with granular texture, pleasant aroma, very sweet, TSS 12-150 brix. Average fruit weight is 6 kg. Seeds small with dark brown specks on the test Triple resistant to powdery mildew, Downey mildew and anthracnose. Yield 60 t/ha.

127 Capsicum Arka Athulya

Bell pepperF1 hybrid with powdery mildew tolerance, indeterminate plant habit with green foliage cover, suitable for kharif & rabi season cultivation under open field conditions, fruits firm, blocky with 3-4 lobes,  medium size (100-120g), suitable for fresh green market and yields 35-40t/ ha in 140-150 days

128 Capsicum Arka Basant

Indeterminate plant habit with yellowish green foliage, thick fleshed, 2-3 lobed, conical fruits, average fruit weight 50-80g, fruits erect, cream coloured, which turn orange red on maturity, yields 15t/ ha in 180 days.

129 Capsicum Arka Gaurav

Indeterminate plant habit with green foliage, thick fleshed, 3-4 lobed, green, blocky long fruits, average fruit weight 120-150g, fruits erect which turn orange yellow on ripening, yields 16t/ ha in 150 days.

130 Capsicum Arka Mohini

Determinate plant habit with dark green foliage, thick fleshed, 3-4 lobed dark green, blocky fruits, average fruit weight 150-180g, fruits pendent, turn red on ripening, yields 20t/ ha in 160 days.

131 Chilli Arka Neelanchal Prabha

Chilli variety suitable for both green and red chilli. Plants medium tall, fruits medium long,  moderately tolerant to anthracnose and yields 10-12q dry chilli/ acre, recommended for Odisha State

132 Chilli Arka Khyati

High yielding chilli F1 hybrid, plants tall & spreading, fruits 10-12x1.2cm, light green and turn red on maturity, smooth and wrinkled on drying, low pungent; tolerant to cucumber mosaic virus, yield potential 80-100q green and 25-28q dry yield per acre

133 Chilli Arka Sweta

High yielding  chilli F1 hybrid, plants medium tall & spreading, fruits 10-12x1.5-2cm, light green and turn red on maturity, smooth, low pungent; tolerant to cucumber mosaic virus, yield potential 80-100q green and 20-25q dry yield per acre

134 Crossandra Arka Kanaka

Orange big flowers,  Yield: 5.01 t /acre/year

Use:   Loose flower, Important character:  Bigger size flowers and also pleasing colour

135 Chilli Arka Meghana

High yielding chilli F1 hybrid, plants medium tall & spreading, dark green foliage, fruits 8-10x1.2cm, dark green and turn red on maturity, with medium wrinkles, medium pungent; tolerant to chilli venal mottle virus, yield potential 80-100q green and 20-25q dry yield per acre, recommended for major chilli growing states

136 Tuberose Arka Nirantara

A hybrid with single type flowers and gives high spike yield. It exhibits early flowering and prolonged blooming period from 6-8 months. It possesses higher concrete content of 0.132 % It is tolerant to nematodes (Meloidogyne incognita). The yield of loose flowers varies from 20-25t/ha/year.

137 Tuberose Arka Vaibhav

This hybrid bears double flowers on medium spikes and exhibits early flowering.

The flower buds are greenish in colour.

Spike yield is 2.5-3.0 lakh spikes/ha/yr.

138 Tuberose Arka Prajwal

This hybrid bears single type flowers on tall, sturdy spikes.

The flower buds are slightly pinkish in colour while the flowers are white.

It yields 20-22t/ha/year.

139 Chilli Arka Harita

High yielding F1 hybrid, plants tall & erect, fruits 8-10x1.0cm, green and turn red on maturity, firm with mild wrinkles, highly pungent; tolerant to powdery mildew & chilli venal mottle virus, yield potential 80-100q green and 20-25q dry yield per acre, recommended for Karnataka state.

140 Chilli Arka Abhir

Plants tall, fruits 8-10x1.5-2cm, green and turn deep red on maturity, wrinkled, medium pungent, yield potential 10-12q (dry) per acre.

141 Chilli Arka Suphal

Plants medium tall & spreading, fruits green and turning red on maturity, smooth, medium long (6-7 x1cm), firm, pendent; pungent, tolerant to powdery mildew, yield potential  yield potential 75-80q (green) or 12-15q (dry) per acre.

142 Chilli Arka Lohit

Plants tall, fruits 7-8x1cm, pendent, firm, dark green and turn red on maturity, smooth and highly pungent., suitable both for irrigated and rainfed cultivation, yield potential 75-80q (green) or 15-18q (dry) per acre.

143 Brinjal Arka Neelanchal Shyama

It is an early variety, suitable for rabi season.  Fruits are round and green with light purple shade, weighing up to 190-200g per fruit. It is moderately tolerant to Phomopsis blight and yields 34t/ha.

144 Brinjal Arka Unnathi

High yielding bacterial wilt resistant variety. Fruits are medium green long with fleshy green calyx. Yield: 34-36 t/ha. in 90-110 days.


145 Brinjal Arka Harshitha

High yielding bacterial wilt resistant variety. Fruits green long with fleshy green calyx. Early in fruit maturity Yields  36-38 t/ha in 120 days

146 Brinjal Arka Avinash

High yielding bacterial wilt resistant variety. Plants tall and spreading. Fruits green long with fleshy green calyx. Very early in fruit maturity. Yields  40-42 t/ha in 95-115 days


147 Brinjal Arka Neelkanth

Fruits tender with slow seed maturity with no bitter principles. Resistant to bacterial wilt. Yields: 43 t/ha. In 150 days

148 Brinjal Arka Nidhi

Fruits are purple colour, tender with slow seed maturity with no bitterness.  Resistant to bacterial wilt. Yields 48 t/ha. In 150 days

149 Brinjal Arka Shirish

Fruits are green, extra-long with solitary bearing habit. Yield: 39 t/ha. In 140-150 days.

150 Brinjal Arka Kusumakar

Fruits are green small borne in clusters. Soft texture with good cooking quality. Yields 40 t/ha. In 140-150 days.

151 Brinjal Arka Anand

High yielding F1 hybrid developed by crossing IIHR-3 X IIHR-322 with resistance to bacterial wilt. Fruits are green, medium long with excellent cooking quality.

Yield: 55-60t/ha in 145-150 days

152 Brinjal Arka Sheel

Tall plants with green leaves and purple tinge at the base when young. Fruits medium size with deep shining purple skin . Fleshy green calyx and solitary bearing habit and yields 38t/ha in 150-160days.

153 China aster Arka Archana

White colored early flowering, spreading growth habit; for bedding and loose flower.

154 China aster Arka Aadya

Pink colored, early flowering, spreading growth habit; for bedding and loose flower.

155 Tomato Arka Vishesh (H-391)

It has the yield potential of 750-800 q/ha. It is suitable for processing into puree, paste, ketchup, sauce, tomato crush.

  • TSS: 4- 4.60 Brix
  • Colour value of crushed tomato juice (a/b, Hunter Lab scale): 1.98-2.12
  • Average fruit weight: 70-75gm
  • Acidity of crushed tomato juice: 0.32-0.36
  • pH: 4.21-4.41
  • Viscosity of juice: 14cm per 30 sec (Bostwick)
  • Lycopene content: 8.5-10.5 mg/100g
  • Lycopene content in tomato paste: 14.14 mg/100g
  • Firmness: 4.09-5.41 kg/cm2.

Seed content 0.4 to 0.5 and peel content: 5.96

156 Tomato Arka Apeksha (H-385)

It has the yield potential of 800-900 q/ha. It is suitable for processing into puree, paste, ketchup, sauce, tomato crush.

  • TSS: 4- 4.70 Brix
  • Colour value of crushed tomato juice (a/b, Hunter Lab scale): 1.96-2.09
  • Average fruit weight: 75-80gm,
  • Acidity of crushed tomato juice: 0.34 – 0.38
  • pH: 4.12 – 4.40
  • Viscosity of juice:12.5 cm per 30 sec (Boswick)
  • Lycopene content: 11.12-11.42 mg/100g
  • Lycopene content in tomato paste: 14.15 mg/100g
  • Firmness: 4.05-4.30 kg/cm2.

Seed content 0.3% and peel content: 8.97

157 Tomato Arka Abhed

High yielding F1 hybrid with multiple disease resistance (ToLCV, bacterial wilt, early blight and late blight (Ph2 + Ph3) Plants are semi-determinate with dark green foliage, Fruits are firm, oblate round & medium large (90-100g).Suitable for summer, kharif  &  rabi cultivation.  Bred for fresh market & yields 70-75 t/ha in 140-150 days.

158 Tomato Arka Rakshak

High yielding F1 hybrid with triple disease resistance (ToLCV, BW and early blight), fruits square round, large (90-100g), deep red colored, firm, suitable for fresh market and processing, yield potential 75-80 t/ha. in 140 days.

159 Tomato Arka Samrat

High yielding F1 hybrid developed by crossing IIHR-2835 X IIHR-2832. First F1 Hybrid with triple disease resistance to ToLCV, BW and early blight. Fruits oblate to high round, large (90-110g), deep red and firm. Suitable for fresh market .

Yields:80-85 t/ha. in 140 days .

It was recommended at National level to zone VIII (Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala) during 33rd AICRP (VC) meeting held at IIVR, Varanasi from 21-24, May 2015. It was notified for central release in 24thCentral Sub Committee meeting on Crop standards, Release and Notification of Horticultural Crops held at Krishi Bhavan on 22nd Sept. 2016.



160 China aster Arka Shashank

Flowers are powderpuff with tubular ray florets, creamy white in colour; suitable for garland, floral decoration and cut flower

161 Tomato Arka Ananya

A F1 hybrid of the cross TLBR-6 X IIHR-2202. Medium fruits (65-70g), firm and deep red colored having combined resistance to ToLCV and bacterial wilt . Suitable for fresh market.

Yield: 65-70 t/ha.

162 Tomato Arka Meghali

Open pollinated variety bred for fresh market, fruits medium size (65g), oblate with light green shoulder, turns deep red on ripening, suitable for rainfed cultivation, yield potential 18 t/ha in 125 days.

163 Tomato Arka Alok

Open pollinated variety bred for fresh market, fruits on the lower clusters are round & large (120g) and in later formed clusters oblong & medium size (80g), firm with light green shoulder, resistant to bacterial wilt, yield potential 46 t/ha in 130 days

164 China aster Arka Poornima

Flowers are powderpuff type, pure white in colour, disc tubular; suitable for garland, floral decoration and cut flower

165 Tomato Arka Abha

Open pollinated tomato variety for fresh market, fruits are oblate with light green shoulder, possess stylar end scar, average fruit weight of 75g., develops deep red colour on ripening., resistant to bacterial wilt, yield potential 43 t/ha 140 days

166 Tomato

Open pollinated variety bred for processing, fruits oval, very firm, thick fleshed with 2 locules,  excellent fruit colour (lycopene 10mg/100g), TSS 4.8%, tolerant to powdery mildew and fruit cracking, yield potential 38 t/ha in 130 days

167 China aster Arka Kinnari

Flowers are semi-double type, deep pink in colour; suitable for garland, floral decoration and cut flower

168 Tomato Arka Vikas

 Open pollinated tomato variety for fresh market, fruits are medium large (80-90g), oblate with light green shoulder, develop deep red on ripening, suitable for both rain fed and irrigated conditions, yield potential 35 t/ha in 140 days

169 Chrysanthemum Arka Kirti

Flowers are double korean, white fades to pink in colour; suitable for floral decoration and bedding

170 Chrysanthemum Arka Chandrika

Flowers are decorative type, white in colour; suitable for garland and cut flower

171 Chrysanthemum Arka Yellow Gold

Flowers are decorative type, yellow with brick red stripes on petals; suitable for cut flower and making bouquet

172 Chrysanthemum Arka Chandrakant

Flowers are decorative type, white in colour; suitable for garland and bedding

173 Rambhutan Arka Coorg Pitab

High yielding promising selection from open pollinated progenies from Courtrallam.Tree:semi spreading; regular bearer and a mid-season variety. Flowering in February - March. Fruits: yellow in colour, ripening in October. Fruit weighs about 25-30 g. Aril: white, juicy and sweet. The yield is about 1200 to 1500 fruits/tree

174 Rambhutan Arka Coorg Arun

It is a selection from open pollinated seedling progenies from Dakshina Kannada. Tree: Semi-spreading, early maturing, medium size. Flowering in February - March. Fruits: Dark red coloured; ripen in September - October, weighs about 40 - 45 g, free stone. Aril:  white colored, thick, firm, dry and sweet, not attached to testa /seed. The yield is about 750 to 1000 fruits/tree.

175 Custard apple Arka Neelanchal Vikram

A high yielding custard apple variety developed through clonal selection. It has high yield potential (69 fruits/plant); fruit weight (211g); TSS (23.5o Brix), sugar/acid ratio of 53.8 and a long shelf life (5.5 days). It was released by SVRC, Govt. of Odisha in 2016.

176 Custard apple Arka Sahan

Average fruit weight is 410.0g.High TSS ( 30.0°B), fewer seeds ( 9seeds per 100g pulp), high pulp recovery ( 70.0%) and good shelf life ( 6days). On an average, 12 tonnes of fruits can be harvested / ha. It requires assisted pollination for fruit set.

177 Papaya Surya

It is the offspring of Sunrise Solo x Pink Flesh Sweet. It was selected from F14 generation. Hence, seeds can be produced by bagging the hermaphrodite flowers or by crossing the female flowers with hermaphrodite flowers. The plant is gynodioecious in nature with no male plants. Fruits resemble Sunrise Solo in shape. The plants are shorter compared to Solo. Skin is smooth, becomes uniformly yellow in colour on ripening. Fruits are medium in size of about 600 to 800 g with a small fruit cavity. Pulp is about 3 & 3.5 cm thick, deep red in colour and sweet with a TSS of 13.5 & 15 Brix. It does not have the odd flavour. Keeping quality of fruits is good. Yield per plant is approximately 55 & 65 kg (60 & 65 t/acre).

178 Papaya Arka Prabhath

Gynodioecious  variety with good yield potential , has  good keeping quality (storage life of 9 days when stored at RT of 25-30°C), fruit surface colour has a (redness) values of 26.3, firm pulp (5.9 kg/cm2 ), good TSS (13%), sugars (10.7%), acidity (0.28%), Vit C (43.6mg/ 100g), carotenoids (3554µg/ 100g), lycopene (1469µg/ 100g) and pulp colour values (L-brightness 36.3; a-redness 16.8 & b-yellowness 21.0).

179 Guava Arka Poorna

The plants are semi- vigorous in growth habit with prolific bearing, hence suitable for medium to high density planting. The fruits are round, medium to big in size (200-230 g) with smooth, shiny pericarp. The pulp is firm, white with thick outer rind, good flavour, TSS (10-120 B) , ascorbic acid (190-198 mg/100 g) , medium soft seeds (10 .0  to 12.0 kg /cm2) and keeping quality. It is a dual purpose variety suitable for both table and processing (osmotic dehydration of rind)

180 Guava Arka Rashmi

Semi-vigorous trees, dual purpose      variety, red pulp with low oxalate content (28.3 mg/100 g FW), Medium in lycopene (5.0 mg/100 g)  andmedium seed hardiness (9.0 kg/cm2), rich in ascorbic acid(235 mg/100 g), good TSS ( 12 to 14 0Brix) and flavor

181 Guava Arka Kiran

The plants are semi- vigorous, fruits are medium in size ( 230g) with dark red pulp, rich in lycopene ( 7.5mg/ 100g) and with medium soft seeds(9kg/cm2)

182 Guava Arka Mridula

Plants are semi-vigorous, medium in size (180 to 200 g), white pulp with soft seeds, rich in pectin, good TSS (12 to 13 o B) and keeping quality.

183 Mango Arka Neelachal Kesri

Early maturing, coloured, high yielding and fruit fly free

184 Mango Arka Suprabhath

It is a medium vigorous, regular and bunch bearing, high yielding (35-40 kg / plant after 4 years of planting) hybrid.  The fruit weight ranges from 250-300g, the fruit shape resembles like Alphonso.  The pulp resembles Amrapali and is deep orange in colour and firm.  Pulp recovery is >70%, TSS (>22°B), acidity (0.12%), carotenoids (6 mg/100g FW) and flavonoids (3.44 mg/100g FW). It has a shelf life of 8-10 days at room temperature.

185 Mango Arka Aruna
  • Fruit weighs on an average about 500 g.
  • Pulp is pale yellow in colour, free from fibre and spongy tissue.
  • Pulp recovery is about 80%. TSS is around 20°Brix.

Regular bearing, dwarf statured, suitable for backyard planting, and amenable for 5 x 5 m planting, a mid- season variety.

186 Mango Arka Puneet
  • It is a mid- season variety.
  • Plants are vigorous and regular bearing.
  • Fruits are elliptical and on ripening become yellow coloured with red blush.
  • Pulp is firm, orange coloured and is free from fibre and spongy tissue. TSS is around 21°Brix.

The pulp recovery is about 65-70%. Keeping quality is good.

187 Tomato Arka Saurabh

Open pollinated tomato variety for both fresh market and processing, fruits are medium large (70-80g), round with light green shoulder, deep red on ripening, firm with nipple tip, yield potential 30-35 t/ha in 140 days

188 Marigold

French marigold photo insensitive variety with double coloured flower. Border is orange (RHS colour chart Orange group N-25C) and center is dark red (RHS colour chart red group 44-A). Plants are dwarf with spreading habit and floriferous.  Flowering is observed throughout the year.

Days to flower initiation:30-35 days after planting with a flowering duration of 6 weeks.

Duration of crop: 3 months

Flower size: 4.8 cm

Flower yield/acre:  5.8 tons/acre