Sample Heading

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1.8 m x 1.8 m
25 t/ha
Drip irrigation schedule: 
To meet 80% ER (20-25 litres/day during summer and 50% less during other months)
Fertigation with water soluble fertilizers*: 
Fertigation with 75% of RDF - Nitrogen and potash are to be applied in equal split doses while that of phosphorus can be applied at the time of planting.
Biofertilizers /others: 
Consortium of biofertilizers (100 g each of Azotobacter tropicalis, Bacillus aryabhatti and Pseudomonas taiwanensis)
Additional care: 
For correcting the micro nutrient deficiencies Banana special, a micro nutrient formulation developed by IIHR consist mainly of six micro nutrients viz., zinc, iron, boron, copper, manganese and molybdenum and three secondary nutrients viz., calcium, magnesium and sulphur is recommended as a foliar spray from 4/5th month of planting at monthly interval on the whole plant till the bunch formation and there after two sprays on the bunches. Spray solution is prepared by dissolving 75 g of banana special in 15 litres of water (about 12 kg/acre). Nutrient feeding through the distal end of the bunch peduncle after the removal of tassel with fresh cow dung slurry and 5-7g urea dissolved in it; is filled in a polythene bag (usually half litre milk sachet) and tied to the bunch end immediately after denavelling.