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Bio-intensive management of thrips in horticultural crops (Chilli, Capsicum, Onion)

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  1. Isolation, mass production of potential natural enemies of thrips
  2. Bio- efficacy of potential natural enemies (parasitoids, predators and pathogens) for thrips  on capsicum, onion, Rose and chilli
  3. Field efficacy of botanicals, biological control agents, bio- pesticides and chemical pesticides against thrips on capsicum, Chilli, Rose and Onion. 
  4. Development of  Bio- intensive management of  thrips on capsicum, onion, rose and chilli
  5. Developing formulations of entomopathogens



Dr.Ganga Visalakshy, P. N.


Dr.  A. Krishnamoorthy

Dr.  K. G.Pillai




  • Potential biological control agents isolated,   mass produced.
  • Evaluated the biological control agents under field conditions against target pests and found  effective in controlling thrips on onion and capsicum




  1. Ganga Visalakshy.PN And Krishnamoorthy.A. 2013 Comparative field efficacy of various entomopathogenic fungi against thrips tabaci: prospects for organic production of onion in india- ISHS Acta Horticulturae 933: XXVIII International Horticultural Congress on Science and Horticulture for People (IHC2010): International Symposium on Organic Horticulture: Productivity and Sustainability
  2. Ganga Visalskhy, P.N. and Krishnamoorthy, A Stress related pathogenesis of entomopathogen Verticillium lecanii to Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood. Presented  National Symposium on Harnessing Bio-diversity   for biological control of crop pests, 25-26.5.2011, NBAII Bangalore.
  3. Ganga Visalakshy.PN And Krishnamoorthy.A .2013 Management of  Thrips tabaci on onion – possible alternatives  - IV National sym.on Plant protection in horticultural crops _Emerging challenges and sustainable  pest manage. . 25-28 April, 2012