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Capacity Building Program on Mushroom Cultivation & Input Distribution under TSP organised by CHES (ICAR-IIHR), Chettalli

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Central Horticultural Experiment Station (ICAR-IIHR), Chettalli organized a Capacity Building Program on mushroom cultivation & input distribution at Bommadi Hadi on 20 September, 2022 in collaboration with Tribal Welfare Department, Madikeri, Karnataka, with a purpose to enrich the knowledge of tribal people on new technologies through trainings and to increase the income levels by providing inputs. Shri. Gurushantappa, Tribal Welfare Officer, Virajpete, while inaugurating the program, elaborated the need for working in collaboration with the reputed Institutes like ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru for improvement of economic status of tribal families. Dr. Muralidharan B.M., Scientist (Fruit Science), CHES, Chettalli discussed the role of fruits to eradicate malnutrition and the cultivation of aspects of fruit crops for maximum production and returns. Shri. Madhu, G.S., Scientist (Plant Pathology), CHES, Chettalli, explained in detail about the importance of mushroom in human nutrition and demonstrated the different steps involved in cultivation of oyster mushroom. Hands on training were also given to tribal women farmers on this aspect. Shri Siraj Ahmed, Labour Officer, Madikeri, explained about child labour act and importance of education for welfare tribes. The planting materials of Rambutan (5), Dragon fruit (5), Malayan Apple (5), White sapota (5), Passion fruit (5) and Carombola (5) along with mushroom spawn (500 g) and Trichoderma (5 kg) were distributed to 100 tribal farmers of Madikeri District, who were made to aware about the different ways in which the mushroom cultivation can generate self-employment opportunities for the rural women and youths.