The 58th Foundation Day of ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru was celebrated on 05th September 2024, at its institute campus, Hesaraghatta, Bengaluru-89.
Dr. Rakesh Chandra Agrawal, Deputy Director General, Education Division, ICAR, New Delhi, was Chief Guest, Dr. R. Gopakumar, Director, ICTS- TIFR, Bengaluru was Guest of Honour. Dr. Sanjay Kumar Singh, Deputy Director General, Horticultural Sciences, ICAR, New Delhi, presided over the function in the presence of Dr. Tusar Kanti Behera, Director, ICAR-IIHR, and Dr. Prakash Patil, Project Co-ordinator-Fruits, Bengaluru. The Directors and Regional Heads of ICAR Institutes situated at Bengaluru, staff and students of IIHR, invitee farmers and entrepreneurs attended the programme.
At the outset Director Dr. T.K. Behera, welcomed the dignitaries and presented the progress made at the institute in past one year, mentioned that several varieties of the institute are released and notified by agencies like SVRC and CVRC. Moreover, thirteen of the institutes’ varieties of fruits, vegetables, flower and medicinal crops were recently dedicated to the nation by honourable prime minister of India Shri. Narendra Modi Ji.
Dr. R.C. Agrawal, presented the foundation day lecture on “Horticulture Education and Employment Opportunities in Amritkal” wherein, he stressed the role of technology and education. Dr Agrawal mentioned that agricultural education in India is in a transition phase for innovative reforms including application of digital technologies, artificial intelligence and cutting-edge research techniques like genome editing tools for the development of horticultural crops for the benefit of farmers and other stake holders.
Dr. S.K. Singh, applauded scientists and other staff of the institute in keeping the institute at higher position always and in reaching out the institute technologies all over the country. Guest of honour Dr. R. Gopakumar, appreciated the efforts of institute scientists for their contribution to wellbeing of farming community, nutritional security and economy of the country. Further he urged to make collaborative efforts to apply understandings in basic sciences for translational research.
On the occasion of celebration of 58th foundation day the staff were felicitated and awarded under different categories for their excellence, innovative farmers were felicitated for being the ambassadors of institute technologies, and institute technologies licensees were also felicitated. Further, past staff members of the institute were felicitated remembering their contribution to the institute. Certificates and awards were distributed to the winners of sports events and school quiz competitions. On this occasion seven publications were released and seven MoUs were also exchanged. The dignitaries also inaugurated the postgraduate school students mess and laid the foundation stone for the advanced training centre for farmers and other stakeholders. At the end Dr. Prakash Patil, presented vote of thanks.