Central Horticultural Experimental Station (CHES), ICAR-Indian Institute Horticultural Research (IIHR), Bhubaneswar organized one-day Skill Training programme on ‘Commercial nursery raising of horticultural crops’ for the farmers of Koraput and Nabarangpur district of Odisha on 24th March 2023 under DBT funded Biotech-Kisan project. Dr P Srinivas, Head I/C of CHES, IIHR Bhubaneswar highlighted the commercial aspects of the raising nursery of different horticultural crops. In the training programme, Dr Manas R Sahoo, Principal Scientist; Dr Deepa Samant, Sr Scientist; and Dr A V V Koundinya, Scientist delivered lectures on commercial nursery raising for quality planting material production of horticultural crops and nursery management. Dr. G.C. Acharya, PS, CHES & Co-PI of the DBT-Biotech-Kisan project briefed about the project activities and importance of the training programme. Demonstration and training on different aspects of nursery, methods of plant propagation, etc were conducted for the participants by Sri S Majhi, Technical Officer; Sri M K Pattanaik, TO and Sri P C Maji, STA of the station. Around 20 participants from Jharigaon and Tentulikhunti blocks of Nabarangpur & Borigmua block of Koraput attended the skill training programme. The programme was coordinated by Dr G C Acharya, co-cordinated by Sri M K Pattanaik, STA, CHES, Bhubaneswar with support from Sri Anil Adamala (YP-II), Sri Soumen (YP-I), Sri Ashish Chakrabarty and Miss Lisalin Rout, Field Assistants.