The Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Bhubaneswar exhibited a stall at national conference on “Novel Strategies and Advances in Crop Health Management: Towards Technology-driven Eco-friendly Solutions” at OUAT, Bhubaneswar during 12-13 December 2023. The stall depicted a comprehensive glimpse into the latest advancements in plant protection technologiesdeveloped by ICAR-IIHR-CHES, Bhubaneswar and ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru. The para-pheromone trap for management of fruit fly infested to cucurbit and various fruit crops was demonstrated Sustainable IPM strategies to manage cucurbits were appraised to many stakeholders. The CHES exhibition also placed a strong emphasis on biopesticides and organic farming techniques. Stalls dedicated to eco-friendly management practices including Arkaborer control against mango stem borers, Arka mango wash to mitigate blackening of mango, Arka neem seed powder pellets, Arka neem and pongamia soap against wide range of insect pests, Arka mealy melt for dissolving mealy coat for better penetration of chemicals inputs, Arka traps (light trap for Tuta sp, mango fruit fly trap, cuelure trap and Arka dorsolure-F attracted keen interest from farmers seeking sustainable alternatives to chemical inputs. Dr Satyapriya Singh, Scientist, Entomology demonstrated the efficacy of these plant protection methods, highlighting their role in preserving ecosystem and biodiversity. Researchers, academicians and farmers attending the exhibition were particularly intrigued by these technologies, recognizing their potential to revolutionize farming practices. The exhibition also underscored the role of CHES, Bhubaneswar initiatives in promoting sustainable horticulture. The program was coordinated by Dr Satyapriya Singh, Scientist, Entomology with the help of Mr. P.C. Majhi (TA) and Mr. H. Bindhani (SSS) under the guidance of Dr. G.C. Acharya, Head, CHES, Bhubaneswar.