“Hindi Week (Saptah)” was celebrated at ICAR-IIHR-Central Horticultural Experiment Station, Chettalli, Kodagu, Karnataka, India during 14-22 September, 2022. The Chief Guest, Dr. Chandrappa, K, Deputy Director (Research), Coffee Research Sub-Station, Coffee Board, Chettalli, while inaugurating the program on 14 September 2022, highlighted the significance of Hindi as national official language and its importance for development of society. Dr. S. Rajendiran, Senior Scientist & Head (I/c) emphasized the importance and necessity of Hindi language in our daily life. Dr. A.T. Rani, Scientist and Member, Official Language Implementation Committee briefed the events to be organized during the Hindi Week. Mr Madhu, G.S, Scientist conducted various competitions to the staff of the station. Mr. Manoj, Hindi Teacher from Government High School, Chettalli, as a chief guest during the valedictory function held on 22 September, 2022 elaborated the value of Hindi in the society and distributed prizes to the winners of various competitions. Dr. S. Rajendiran, Head (I/C), CHES, Chettalli, congratulated all the staff for their active participation in different events. Mr. Madhu G.S, Nodal Officer Official Language Implementation Committee, CHES, Chettalli, proposed a formal vote of thanks.