capacity building program on Sustainable Crop Production & Resources Distribution under Tribal Sub-Plan was organized by CHES, Chettalli at Valnur, Kodagu on 08th November 2022. Dr. Rajendiran S., Head (I/c), CHES-Chettalli addressed the gathering and explained about the importance, uniqueness and sustainable crop management of different fruit crops. Mr. G.S. Madhu, and Dr. A.T. Rani, Scientists, explained the importance of Trichoderma & various fruits in overcoming the problem of malnutrition among tribes & rural people and the major insect pests and their management, respectively. The inputs like fruit plants and Trichoderma were distributed to more than 110 tribal farmers participated from Kushalnagar and Somawarpet taluks,which was attended by staffs from Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement, Tribal Welfare Department, Kodagu and Valnur Gram Panchayath Officials and Members.