Developed onion varieties and F1 hybrids suitable for Paste India is the second largest producer of onion in the world accounting for 16 % area and 10 % of production. In our country, onion is grown in 0.5 million hectare with production of 5.5 million tones. The major onion growing states are Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Bihar, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Nearly 40 % of onion produced does not reach the consumers because of various types of losses due to PLW, handling and storage loss, etc. Thus, processing can help to reduce these losses and also helps in mitigating the impact of the price rise in onion. Onion based products have wide applications in food processing as well as many other industries. Onion can be processed into a wide variety of products like minimally processed ready to use or ready to cook fresh onions, onion paste, dehydrated onion flakes, onion powder, onion oil, onion vinegar, onion sauce, pickled onion, onion wine and beverage etc. At present onion processors sources raw materials for processing of onion products from open markets. There is no uniformity and quality required for processing in the present varieties of onions. There is a need for special traits in onion varieties for processing which highlights the breeding of onion varieties for processing traits. Onion varieties with processing traits result in quality product and less production cost. Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru, identified two F1 hybrids viz., Arka Lalima, Arka Kirthiman and one variety Arka Kalyan for development of paste in onion. These varieties were developed and identified for paste under the leadership of Dr Veere Gowda, Principal Scientist, Division of Vegetables. The protocols for the paste were developed by Dr Doreyappa Gowda and his team of Division of Post-harvest Technology and Agricultural Engg. The field and paste quality evaluation of these varieties was carried out at the Institute by Variety and technology evaluation (VTIC) committee (VTIC). Arka Lalima, Arka Kirthiman and Arka Kalyan were found superior for desirable parameters like slice yield, paste yield, TSS, total solids, pungency, Vitamin C content, quercetin content and anti-oxidant properties of the paste. Arka Lalima Arka Kirthiman Arka Kalyan Updated on 21.10.2016