Dr.M Anandaraj
Indian Institute of Spices Research
Kozhikode- 673012, Kerala
- Recognized as research guide for Ph. D. by the University of Calicut, Kerala, Kannur University, Kerala, Mangalore University Karnataka and Nagarjuna University Andhra Pradesh
- Identified as the Coordinator to Coordinate Research on wilt diseases in the ICAR Outreach Programme on ‘Phytophthora, Fusarium and Ralstonia’ being implemented in 17 ICAR Institutes spread over the Divisions of Horticulture and Crop Sciences with a financial outlay of Rs. 19.65 crores.
- Appointed as Board of examiners by the University of Calicut for M.Sc., Biotechnology and M.Sc., Plantation Development.
- Appointed as Board of examiners by Kerala Agricultural University.
- Appointed as Board of examiners for Ph. D by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
- Member Secretary, Quinquennial Review Committee, Research Advisory Committee of Indian Institute of Spices Research, Calicut.
- Member Institute management Committee of Indian Institute of Spices Research, Calicut for three terms and once Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Kasaragod.
Membership of societies (indicate also if any position/office held) :
Sl.no. |
Name of Society |
Position held |
Period |
1 |
Indian Society for Spices, Calicut |
Vice President
Secretary |
Since 2006
1998-2002 |
2 |
National Academy of Biological Sciences, Chennai |
Executive Council Member |
Since 2007
2006 onwards |
3 |
Indian Phytopathological Society, New Delhi |
President, Southern Zone
Zonal Councilor
Fellow |
Since 1999 |
4 |
Indian Society for Plant Pathology, Ludhiana |
Zonal Councilor |
2002-04 |
5 |
Indian Society for Plantation crops, Kasaragod |
Member, Editorial Board |
Since 2008
2008 onwards |
6 |
Indian Society for Seed Spices, Ajmer |
Fellow |
Since 2010 |
7 |
Society for Advancement of Biological Control, Bangalore |
Life member |
2000 onwards |
8 |
Society for Mycology and Plant Pathology, Udaipur |
Life member |
1985 onwards |
9 |
ARS Scientists Forum, New Delhi |
Life Member
Vice President, Southern Zone |
2009-11 |
- Anandaraj, M. and Sarma, Y.R. (1990). A simple baiting technique to detect and isolate Phytophthora capsici ‘P.palmivora’ Mf4 from soil. Mycological Research 94: 1003-1004.
- Anandaraj, M., Sheji C., Renu S. G. Bhat, A.I. and Bhai, R.S. (2008). Development of SCAR marker for Phytophthora resistance in black pepper (Piper nigrum L.). Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops 17 :215-222.
- Anandaraj, M. and Sarma, Y.R. (1995). Diseases of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) and their management. J. spices and aromatic crops.4: 17-23.
- Anandaraj, M. and Sarma, Y.R. 2000. Analysis of spread of Phytophthora foot rot disease of black pepper by STCLASS – Software*. Indian Phytopath. 53(4) :428-432.
- Bhat, A.I, Madhubala, R, Hareesh, P.S. and Anandaraj, M. 2005. Detection and Characterization of a phytoplasma associated with a phyllody disease of black pepper (Piper nigrum L. ) in India. Scientia Horticulture 107: 200-204.
- Bhat, A.I, Jiby, M.V., Anandaraj, M.,Bhadramurthy, V., Patel, K.D., Patel, N.R.,Jaiman, R.K. and Agalodia, A.V.(2008). Occurrence and partial characterization of a phytoplasma associated with phyllody disease of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare mill.)in India. J. Phytopathology 156:758-761.
- Sheji, C., Renu, S. G., Balaji, S. and Anandaraj, M. (2009) Ribosomal DNA analysis of three Phytophthora species occurring in India. Indian Phytopathology 62(2):155-162.
- Suseela Bhai, R. Anandaraj, M. and Srinivasan, V. (2009). Validation of farmer’s practice of using sodium chloride for controlling foot rot disease of black pepper (Piper nigrum ). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 79(9):722-726.
- Devasahayan, S. Abdulla Koya, K.M. Anandaraj, M. Tresa Thomas and Preethi, N.(2010) . Distribution and ecology of root mealy bugs associated with black pepper (Piper nigrum Linnaeus) in Karnataka and Kerala, India. Entomon34(3) 147-154
- Veena, S.S. Anandaraj, M. and Sarma, Y.R. (2010). Variability in the sensitivity of Phytophthora capsici isolates to potassium phosphonate. Indian Phytopathology 63(1):71-75.