ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR) organized a special capacity building programme for the farmers of Davanagere district of Karnataka under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) programme of ICAR-IIHR in collaboration with Taralabalu Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Davanagere on 3.7.2023. The purpose of the programme was to build the capacity of tribal farmers on fruits and vegetables production technology and to distribute the planting material of fruits and seeds of vegetables.
The programme started with the welcome address delivered by Dr Raghu Raj, SMS (Extension), KVK, Taralabalu. Dr R Venkattakumar, Principal Scientist and Nodal Officer, TSP explained about ICAR-IIHR and the TSP Programme objectives. Dr Anupa, Scientist (Fruit Crops) explained about the fruit crop production technologies with special reference to mango and guava. Dr Sanne Gowda, SMS (Soil Science) explained about the soil and nutrient management practices, whereas Dr Avinash, SMS (Crop Protection) explained about the crop protection details pertaining to mango and guava.
About 20 farmers from the Bidarakere Taralabalu Amruth Farmers Producers Company, participated in the programme and interacted with the scientists on various aspects of management of mango, guava and vegetable cultivation including plant protections aspects. Seeds and planting material of mango (Alphonso), guava (Arka Kiran), French Beans (Arka Suvidha and Arka Sharath) and Dolichos beans (Arka Vistar) were distributed to the farmers.
The programme ended with a formal vote of thanks proposed by Dr Bhagyashree, Scientist (Crop Protection), who coordinated the programme. The farmers expressed their satisfaction over the programme and requested the scientists of ICAR-IIHR to conduct similar such programme, regularly in collaboration with KVK, Davanagere.