The innovated formulation consists of several inert materials to serve as carrier and herbal oils to be effective for one season without adding any insecticide. This formulation is mixed with water in a ration of 1:0.4 (approx) to bring down to gel form or melted ice cream consistency to be applied on mango stem using 2 or 3 inches brush. The swabbed formulation is allowed to dry on plant so that it works as repellent and as well as curative treatment to neutralize the eggs, early instars of larvae and grubs living on stem. The improved formulation of SCH was significantly superior to control by avoiding infestation up to 8 weeks in laboratory trial. When the trial was continued further for 16 weeks the female beetle spent time up to 3.3 percent of its total time compared to 60.3% of its time in control suggesting its repellency effect up to 4 months. The product swabbed with older formulation and immersed in water for overnight lost nearly 52% of swabbed SCH but in new formulation the loss on solubility was less than 1%. The product is now made suitable for both low and heavy rainfall areas and also oviposition deterrent for mango stem borer Batocera rufomaculata and hence can be applied as an effective prophylactic measure.