ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru celebrated the Hindi Day and inaugurated the Hindi Fortnight program on 14.09.2023. Dr. P.S.R. Murthy, Former Joint Director (OL), CSIR-NAL was the Chief Guest. Dr. Prakash Patil, Director i/c presided over the function. The chief guest advised the people to love their mother tongue and other languages as all languages in India are sister languages. One should adopt Hindi wholeheartedly and work on it. The official language Hindi is like mother tongue for Central Government offices. As central government employee, it is our duty to work in Hindi.
Dr. Prakash Patil, Director i/c requested all the employees to participate in different activities and competitions to be held during Hindi Fortnight. He highlighted the importance of Hindi and added that learning and speaking of Hindi is easy for the people of Karnataka as lot of similar words, which have derived from Sanskrit, are there in both Hindi and Kannada. On this occasion, Dr. P.C. Tripathi read the message of Hon’ble Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, GOI.
Shri Sachin Agnihotri, CAO informed the gathering about differences in Official Hindi and colloquial Hindi. All should make every possible effort to work in Hindi in the office. Official language Hindi should also be propagated by adopting words and phrases from regional languages. He also read the message of Dr. Himanshu Pathak, Secretary, DARE and Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research.
Dr. Anil Kumar Nair, Principal Scientist and Chairman, Hindi Fortnight Celebration welcomed and introduced the guest to the audience. Dr. Ravi Bhushan Tiwari, Principal Scientist proposed vote of thanks. Shri A.K. Jagadeesan, Deputy Director (OL) anchored the programme and gave detailed information on different activities to be conducted during Hindi Fortnight.