ICAR-KVK, Hirehalli, Tumakuru
Tumakuru District has its jurisdiction with ten taluks, out of which five are under KVK Hirehalli. Tumakuru district has three agro-ecological zones out of which two comes under KVK Hirehalli viz., Central Dry Zone (Zone IV -Pavagada, Koratagere, Sira and Madhugiri) and Eastern Dry Zone (Zone V -Tumakuru). The district receives an average annual rainfall of 665 mm (Average of 2007 to 2017), whereas annual normal rainfall of 1951 to 2000 was 739 mm. The geographical area of the district is 10.6 lakh ha, out of which 5.41 lakh ha is arable land, characterized mostly by red sandy loam and red loam soils.
Administrative Office, Farm, Farmers Hostel, Training Hall, Staff Quarters
Demo Units:
Organic Nutrition Garden, Farm Machineries, Arka Humidity Box, Compost Unit, Vermi Compost Unit, Cattle Shed, Sheep Shed, Bore well recharge pit, Rare fruits trees block, Multi purpose trees block, Shredding Machine, Poly bag filling machine, Fruit trees mother blocks, Medicinal value trees block, Beekeeping units, Weather Station, Plantation trees (Arecanut and Coconut) block, Solar pump sets, Farm Ponds (Fishery), Fodder block.
Production Units:
Seed Processing Unit, Planting Material (Fruits and Plantation Crops) Nursery, Units of Micro-nutrients formulations like Banana Special, Vegetable Special, Citrus Special, Mango Special, Bio fertilizer like Arka Microbial Consortium, Bio-pest control solutions like Neem Soap, Pongamia Soap, Arka Borer Control, Fruit Flies Pheromone trap, Mushroom Spawn, Home Science Products like Amla Squash, Amla Candies and Ragi Malt etc.
Soil, Water and Plant Tissue Testing Lab
Best NICRA KVK Award 2019
The Principal Scientist and Head
ICAR-KrishiVigyan Kendra, NH-4
Hirehalli, Tumakuru 572168.
Mail: kvk.tumakuru2@icar.gov.in
URL: https://kvktumakuru2.icar.gov.in
Head, KVK, Hirehalli