Sample Heading

Sample Heading


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Technology Description

  • The crop is conventionally propagated by stem cuttings. The practice demands a large quantity of material for planting.
  • Seed propagation is not desirable due to the cross pollinated nature of the crop, poor germination, slow growth of seedlings and segregation of male and female plants.
  • The perennial  and dioecious nature of the crop provides an opportunity for cost effective micropropagation of superior clones.


Products and By- products



Technology Benefits

  • Protocol  for rapid in vitro multiplication of two female cultivars (`Swarna Alaukik' and `Swarna Rekha') with multiplication rate of 6.6 and 4.9x and one male line of pointed gourd (5.3x)has been developed.
  • A single medium formulation facilitated culture initiation, multiplication and rooting in all the genotypes. Further, the rooted stumps left after the subculture of nodes could be effectively used for ex vitro establishment.
  • Compared to only 8-10 plants per year in conventional propagation using cuttings, in vitro propagation has the potential to give 100,000 plants per year


Target segment /End User Profile

  • Tissue culture industry


Market potential

  • Micropropagation technology is required to augment the supply of planting material


Investment Required

  • Can be taken up as an additional  profitable venture in an existing Tissue Culture Laboratory


Expected Returns/Profit

Benefit cost ratio

  • Already a viable commercial technology.
  • 1: 2.5