This is the first indigenous mushroom to be commercialized in the country. Mushrooms white in color, gills and stalks white. Mushrooms large with long, thick fibrous stalk. It can be grown on pasteurized or sterilized wheat or paddy straw. Optimum temperature requirement for spawn running 30-35°C. Spawn running period 24-28 days. Casing essential for fructification. Cropping requires an optimum temperature of 35-38°C, humidity of 85-90%, diffused light and ventilation. Mushrooms can be harvested in 2 flushes after which the entire cycle is repeated. Total cultivation cycle of 57-60 days. Biological efficiency potential 50-100%. Shelf life 2-3 days at 25-30°C and 10-15 days at 4°C. It can be marketed as fresh, dry or as mushroom powder. Spent mushroom substrate (SMS) can be used as an excellent organic manure or for vermicomposting. It is an excellent edible mushroom with high fiber.
Important special traits:
- High temperature species
- Excellent shelf life and no browning
- High fiber content