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Osmotic dehydration of fruits.

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Osmotic dehydration of fruits.
Application / Use: Process has been standardized for production of good quality of Pineapple, Sapota and Mango
Input Needed: Seeds of the variety
Output Capacity: -
Specific Benefits: -
Unit Cost: -
Description: -
Developed By: Dr.R.B. Tiwari, Senior Scientist (Hort.), Division of Post Harvest Technology, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta Lake (PO), Bangalore- 560 089
Contact Person: Director, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta Lake (PO), Bangalore- 560 089 Ph: 080-28466420-423,Fax: 080-28466291 E-mail address :
Institute: IIHR, Bangalore