A three days training programme on Mushroom cultivation was organized at ICAR- IIHR from 14-16 November 2019 for the rural youth of Bidar, Chickbellapur, Dharwad and Udupi districts of Karnataka under Bhoo-samrudhi project, Bangalore with an objective to develop entrepreneurship among rural youth by imparting hands on training. The programme was started with welcome address by Dr. P.C. Tripathi, Principal Scientist and Principal Investigator of the Bhoo-Samrudhi project, who emphasized on the objectives of the training, and conveyed the benefits of the Bhoo samrudhi project towards improving their livelihood. He also highlighted on the scope for up-scaling the mushroom cultivation activities with support from ICRISAT and Department of Horticulture in public private partnership mode at their districts. Dr. R. Senthil Kumar, Principal Scientist delivered a lecture on Farmer friendly technologies of ICAR-IIHR and took them to Demonstration block of ICAR-IIHR. Dr. Meera Pandey, Principal Scientist delivered lecture on over all aspects of Mushroom cultivation. In the afternoon trainees underwent hands on training. On the 2nd day, Dr. Chandrasekar delivered lecture on milky mushroom cultivation and in the afternoon, he gave practical training on spawn production aspects and on the last day, Dr. SenthilKumaran, Principal Scientist delivered lecture on Mechanization in mushroom cultivation and exposed the trainees to the spawn production unit and mobile mushroom units developed at ICAR- IIHR. At the end of their training, Dr. R. Venkattakumar Principal Scientist and Head, Division of Social Sciences and Training delivered valedictory address and gave away the certificate to the trainees. A total 21 trainees participated in the training programme. The trainees were very much satisfied. The training programme was coordinated by Dr.P.C. Tripathi, Principal Scientist and Dr. R. Senthil Kumar, Principal Scientist, ICAR-IIHR, Bangalore.