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- It is the offspring of Sunrise Solo x Pink Flesh Sweet. It was selected from F14 generation. Hence, seed can be produced by bagging the hermaphrodite flowers or by crossing the female flowers with hermaphrodite flowers. The plant is gynodioecious in nature with no male plants. Fruits resemble Sunrise Solo in shape. The plants are shorter compared to Solo. Skin is smooth, becomes uniformly yellow in colour on ripening. Fruits are medium in size of about 600 – 800 g with a small fruit cavity. Pulp is about 3 – 3.5 cm thick, deep red in colour and sweet with a T.S.S. of 13.5 – 15°brix. It does not have the odd flavour. Keeping quality of fruits is good. Yield per plant is approximately 55 – 65 kg (60 – 65t/acre).