testing of genetic purity of eggplant hybrid (IIHR-3 X S. macrocarpon L) with two codominant SSR markers- emf01C03 (Left Side) and emh02E08( Right Side) , Lanes:P1 is S.melongena Variety IIHR-3 and P2 is S.Macrocarpon L, 1 -10 are F1 Hybrids, M-DNA
Technology Description
- Traditionally hybrid purity of F1 assessed through grow out test (GOT) is time consuming and labour intensive.
- There is need of fast and reliable alternative method for hybrid purity assessment.
- By using SSR, developed a simple SSR-PCR based assay to identify interspecific hybrids between S. melongena and S. macrocarpon.
Products and By- products
- SSR based assay Kit
Technology Benefits
- It will identify selfed/mechanical mixtures or correctly crossed hybrids or progeny
- works on codominant nature
Target segment /End User Profile
- Seed Companies,
- Brinjal breeders,
- To solve copyrights, trademarks,
- To identify admixtures, mis labeled seeds or mechanical mixtures in seed lots.
Market potential
- This study clearly revealed the efficacy of genomic-SSRs in genetic purity of eggplant hybrids; can identify the admixture of parents in the hybrid seed lot.
- In addition, this testing would save the cost of hybrid seed storage for a whole season and the cost incurred on GOT.
- This purity test can be employed in seed companies for accurate and reliable detection of off-types in commercial eggplant seeds for ensuring the supply of good quality seeds to the market.
- Genetic hybrid assay kits can be developed for seed company’s hybrids and testing
Investments required
- 5 lacs
Expected returns ratio
- They can use in addition or in lieu of GOT, Therefore can save lot of money.