Nabarangpur district of Odisha will soon have its own High-Tech Nursery for production of high yielding quality planting material of horticultural crops developed by ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticulture Research (ICAR-IIHR). The high tech nursery being developed by Central horticultural Experiment Station (ICAR-IIHR), Bhubaneswar, at Govindalaya's Centre of Empowerment, Soruguda village of Dangarbheja Panchayat in Nandahandi Block through a unique RKVY(S&T) initiative “Farm based S&T Interventions for Socio-economic Development in the Aspirational District of Nabarangpur, Odisha’ to create new horticulture based avenues for socio-economic development of tribal-dominated Nabarangpur district. The team led by Principal Scientist Dr. P. Srinivas imparted training to the Maa Mahima Self Help Group (SHG) Members who are shouldering the responsibility to manage the nursery activities. The training organised in three small batches during 7-9 July 2020 stressed upon the necessary skills for propagation of planting material of Mango, guava, pine apple, jackfruit, ivy gourd, teasel gourd, marigold, tuberose, etc. The participants were given hands-on training on techniques like soil media preparation, filling of poly bags and potrays, root and stem cuttings of cucurbitaceous crops, grafting for fruit crops, etc. Training on soil bed preparation, mulching, drip irrigation, field layout, etc was also imparted. For the initial period for establishing the mother blocks, CHES (ICAR-IIHR), Bhubaneswar provided the mother planting material for mango (Arka Neelachal Kesari, Amrapali, Mallika, Dussehari), Guava (Arka Rashmi and Arka Kiran), Pine apple (Queen), Tuberose (Arka Prajwal), Marigold (Arka Bangara 2), Ivy gourd (Arka Neelachal Sabuja and Arka Neelachal Kunkhi), and Teasel gourd (Arka Neelachal Gourav) under the project. This project funded by Rashtriya Krushi Vikas Yojana is being implemented by 12 national level science and technology institutions, under the guidance of the district administration, aims at creating farm based economic avenues for enhancing of income of locals. Recently the district administration was awarded with the prestigious National Skotch Platinum award for its efforts in implementation of this project.
The Bhumi Pujan for this High-Tech Nursery was solemnized on 8th July 2020 in the august presence of Deputy Director Agriculture of Nabarangpur district, Sri Brij kishore Lenka, Deputy Director of Horticulture Sri Pratyosh Kumar Panda, Deputy Collector Ms Anamika Sahoo, Additional Project Director and Block Development Officer Sri Ratnakar Sahu, Tahsildar Ms A. Snehlata and VAW Anjali Behera. Principal Scientist of CHES (ICAR-IIHR) and Dr P. Srinivas, Chairman of Govindalaya Sri Shanmuga Patro and the office bearers and members of Maa Mahima Self Help Group facilitated and coordinated the programme. The Hi-tech nursery will serve as Production-cum-Distribution-cum-Sale centre for quality planting material of high yielding fruits, vegetable and flower crops developed by ICAR-IIHR through Central Horticultural Experiment Station (CHES), a regional centre of ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticulture Research (ICAR-IIHR), Bangalore, for the benefit of the farmers of Nabarangpur and adjoining districts. Arka Urban horti kits were distributed to all guests.
DDA Sri Brijkishore Lenka, expressed his best wishes for the initiative and hoped that it would be able to cater the need of planting material of horticultural crops of the region leading to prosperity in tribal dominated aspirational district of Nabarangpur. DDH Sri Pradosh Kumar Panda appreciated the efforts being taken by CHES to increase the diversity of horticultural crops in the region through this hi-tech nursery and assured his support and guidance to the SHG in technical aspects of nursery management. Chairman of Govindalaya Sri Shanmuga Patro, who spared space in his Centre of Empowerment for this endeavour for the benefit of the local farmers, assured his full patronage and guidance in ensuring the commercial viability of the venture which will in turn earn additional income for the SHG and other participating farmers. Other dignitaries including Deputy Collector Ms Anamika Sahoo, Additional PD and BDO Sri RatnakarSahu, Tahsildar Ms A. Snehlata, VAW Anjali Behera present on the auspicious occasion also conveyed their best wishes for the initiative.
In another session Dr P. Srinivas, Principal Scientist, CHES(ICAR-IIHR) sensitised the master trainers of the State Sponsored Mo Upakari Bagicha programme on backyard kitchen nurtri-gardening and shared critical tips of CHES model of backyard kitchen gardening. He informed that CHES(ICAR-IIHR) will push for developing 1000 nutri-kitchen gardens in different blocks of Nabarangpur in association of ORMAS under the RKVY (S&T) project. Further provision for smaller polyhouses / shade-net houses will be made for some active women based SHGs for production of quality planting material of fruits, vegetables and flower crops as a venture for generating supplementary income for the farm women. Arka Urban horti kits were distributed to all master trainees.
All norms of social distancing, hand sanitizing and wearing of masks was ensured during the programmes.