The ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru organized one-day training programme under the Tribal sub Plan project (TSP) on 21st September 2023 at Y N Hosakote village in Pavagada taluka of Tumkur district in Karnataka. During the programme, seeds of china aster, brinjal, tomato, chilli and coriander were distributed to tribal farmers. The tribal farmers were sensitized about good agricultural practices, seed rate, major commercial varieties of vegetables, pest/disease management in vegetable and flower crops grown in the village and the role of honey bees in pollination and seed set. Around 60 farmers located at Y N Hosakote village attended the programme. Dr V K J Rao, Principal Scientist and Head, Division of Social Sciences and Training, ICAR-IIHR; Dr (Mrs) Anupa T, Scientist, Division of Fruit Crops, ICAR- IIHR; Dr Bhagyasree S N, Scientist, IIHR participated as resource persons in the programme. The programme was coordinated by Mr. Bomalingappa, CEO, FPO of Ulume Raitha Utpadakara Company, Y N Hoskote. A follow up field visit was also made on 22nd September 2023 to access the status of distributed inputs (Tube rose, tomato and chilli) during first quarter under TSP project (2023-2024). Suggestions regarding nutrient and sucking pest management was given as per field observations and requirement of farmers.