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Varalakshmi L.R.

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Principal Scientist & I/c. Head
Division of Natural Resources
Soil Science
Research Accomplishments: 

(During the Period of 2019-2023)

Nutrient dynamics (N,P, K ) of conventional and speciality  fertilizers  under drip fertigation in horticultural crops (Banana, Papaya, Tomato and Cauliflower) was studied. Conventional fertilizers can be used for fertigation in short rooted crops like vegetables  like tomato and cauliflower since nutrient (NPK) distribution is better at 15-20 cms depth when conventional fertilizers are used and most of the root distribution of vegetables will be around that soil depth.  In vegetables yield and cost benefit ratio will be better with conventional fertilizers in fertigation. In fruit crops banana and papaya use of speciality fertilizers or completely water soluble fertilizers is remunerative, since nutrient distribution is better at deeper layers with speciality fertilizers, growth and yield will be better and benefit cost ratio is also better. Nutrient use efficiency is better with speciality fertilizers irrespective of crop . Specialty fertilizers recorded better nutrient use efiiciency in both fruit crops and vegetable crops. 10 rose root stocks have been screened for salt tolerance and alkalinity tolerance. R. indica and R.multiflora found to tolerate salinity (4-4.5 dSm-1) and alkalinity (Bicarbonate toxicity upto 7.5 m.e/l) conditions. In fruit crops banana and papaya use of speciality fertilizers or completely water soluble fertilizers is remunerative, since nutrient distribution is better at deeper layers with speciality fertilizers, growth and yield will be better and benefit cost ratio is also better. Nutrient use efficiency is better with speciality fertilizers irrespective of crop . Specialty fertilizers recorded better nutrient use efiiciency in both fruit crops and vegetable crops. 10 rose root stocks have been screened for salt tolerance and alkalinity tolerance. R. indica  and  R.multiflora found to tolerate salinity (4-4.5 dSm-1) and alkalinity (Bicarbonate toxicity upto 7.5 m.e/l) conditions .

Varieties / Technologies Developed: 


Optimum nutrient norms for Soil and plant in Acidlime (DRIS norms) were developed. Sampling technique in fruit crops like Phalsa was standardized. Nutrient uptake studies were conducted in guava and ber varieties. Salt tolerant varieties in Banana, Onion, Acidlime, Cabbage and Capsicum were identified. Heavy metal pollution was monitored in water, soil and vegetable samples in peri urban areas of Bangalore. Contamination of vegetables grown surrounding different tank areas with Cd, Pb, Cr and Ni was estimated. Awareness about heavy metal contamination of vegetables in peri urban areas was created among local farmers. Alternate cropping systems were suggested for heavy metal contaminated areas. Amaranthus, Palak, carrot and radish varieties have been screened and varieties with low heavy metal absorption capacity have been determined. Effect of liming and FYM on Cd uptake in leafy and root vegetables was determined. Acidlime variety “Tenali” has been found to tolerate water salinity level upto 4.6 dSm-1. Varieties of banana and onion were screened at different salinity levels.In banana cultuvars Grandnaine and Elakki were very much affected by higher salinity levels of salinity (5.0 dSm-1) and cultivars Karpooravalli and Poovan performed better . In Onion out of 4 varieties studied Arka Kalyan and Arka Niketan performance was better at all salinity levels compared to Arka Bindu and Arka Pragathi. Application of FYM @ 10 t /ha over and above the normal recommendation and application of additional K ((KNO3 @ 10 ppm (22.4 kg/ha)   increased bulb fresh biomass,decreased leaf Na and Cl contents and increased leaf K contents. • Nutrient dynamics (N,P, K ) of conventional and speciality  fertilizers  under drip fertigation in horticultural crops (Banana, Papaya, Tomato and Cauliflower) was studied. • In fruit crops banana and papaya use of speciality fertilizers or completely water soluble fertilizers is remunerative, since nutrient distribution is better at deeper layers with speciality fertilizers, growth and yield will be better and benefit cost ratio is also better. • 10 rose root stocks have been screened for salt tolerance and alkalinity tolerance. R. indica and R.multiflora found to tolerate salinity (4-4.5 dSm-1) and alkalinity (Bicarbonate toxicity upto 7.5 m.e/l) conditions.


 (Best 10/High Impact)

  1. Varalakshmi LR., Tejaswini P., Rajendiran S. and K.K. Upreti (2021). Assessment of soil and water quality status of rose growing areas of Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh in India. Journal of Horticultural Sciences.  Vol. 16(2) : 280-286, 2021.
  2. Rajendiran S., Vaisakhi K.C., Varalakshmi L.R, Chandrakant M. Awachare, Radha T.K., Jayanthimala B.R., Venkataravanappa V.(2021). International Journal of Tropical Agriculture Volume 39, Number (1-2) • 2021 : pp. 67-73.
  3. N Hamsa, CA Srinivasamurthy, S Bhaskar, VR Ramakrishna Parama and LR Varalakshmi (2018). Effect of Cogen ash application on content and uptake of nutrients in paddy. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2018; 7(4): 2189-2196.
  4. K.K.Upreti, R.M. Bhatt, P. Panneer Selvam, L.R. Varalakshmi (2016); Morpho Physiological responses of grape Rootstock Dogridge to Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi inoculation under salinity stress. International journal of fruit Science 16 (2): 191-209.
  5. L.R Varalakshmi and A. N. Ganeshamurthy. (2013). Phytotoxity of Cadmium in Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) and its Effect on Growth, Yield and Cadmium Uptake . Communications in soil science and Plant Analysis , 44: 9, 1444-1456.
  6. L.R Varalakshmi and A. N. Ganeshamurthy. (2013). Phytotoxity of Cadmium in Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) and its Effect on Growth, Yield and Cadmium Uptake . Communications in soil science and Plant Analysis , 44: 9, 1444-1456.
  7. L.R. Varalakshmi and A.N. Ganeshamurthy (2009): Effect of cadmium on plant biomass and cadmium accumulation in amaranthus (Amaranthus tricolor) cultivars Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 79 (10) : 861-864.
  8. Varalakshmi, L. R., Srinivasamurthy, C.A and Bhaskar, M. (2005). Effect of integrated use of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers on organic carbon, available N, P and K in sustaining the productivity of Ground nut-Finger millet cropping system. J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 53 (3): 315-318.
  9. Mishra, P.K., Siva Prasad , S., Maheshwara Babu, B and L.R. Varalakshmi, (2001). Bentonite as an ameliorant in an Alfisol-A laboratory study. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering . 127 (2), March/April 2001:118-122.
  10. Varalakshmi, L.R and Bhargava, B.S (1998). Plant nutrient status and leaf diagnostic norms for acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia). Indian J. Agril. Sci. 68 (7);375-376.

Books Chapter

  1. Satisha J, Laxman RH, Upreti KK, Shivashankara KS, Varalakshmi LR and Sankaran M. (2019). Mechanisms of Abiotic Stress Tolerance and Their Management Strategies in Fruit Crops. In: New Frontiers in Stress Management for Durable Agriculture.
  2. Amitava Rakshit, HB Singh, AK Singh, Uma Shankar Singh and Leonardo Fraceto (eds), Published by The Springer, Singapore, pp. 579-607.1.                                                                                                 
  3. Varalakshmi, L.R. and Ganeshamurthy, A.N., 2012. Managing Horticultural crops in saline and sodic soils. Book chapters In “Horticulture for Food and Environment security.  Edited by Dr. K. L. Chadha, A.K. Singh, S.K. Singh and W.S. Dhillon, Published by West ville.pp.317-340.2.
  4. Ganeshamurthy, A.N, L.R. Varalakshmi and G.C. Sathisha, 2012). Management of fruit crops in acid soils of India.
  5. Book chapters In “Acid soils of India-Distribution, properties and management for sustainable crop production” edited by Dr. K.Sudhir, C.A.Srinivasamurthy, V.R.Ramakrishna Parama, N.B. Prakash, A. Sathish and S.C. Kotur


Awards & Recognitions: 


  1. Dr. L.R. Varalakshmi received reviewer excellence award for reviewing  research article  “Temporal availability of phosphorus and sulphur in acid Inceptisol as influenced by graded application of P and S under black gram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) production ” for “Legume Research” from editors of ARCC Journal in March, 2022
  2. Dr. L.R. Varalakshmi received reviewer excellence award for   reviwing the article “ A Review on Fertility management in salt affected soils under rice-wheat cropping system”as Reviewer of Agricultural Reviews from the Editors of ARCC Journals In recognition of significant and outstanding contribution to the Journal in January 2023.
Address for Communication: 

#74, 3rd main, Best Country 3rd stage, Near Sambram collage, Hesaraghatta main road, Vidhyaranya pura Post, Bangalore-97.

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Telephone #: 
080-23086100 Extn 325