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In vitro conservation protocols for horticultural species

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1.In vitro conservation technology developed for grape germplasm

Tissue culture techniques offer the opportunity for in vitro collecting, rapid propagation of medium and long-term storage of germplasm and its distribution. These techniques are invaluable to complement other health and conservation strategies, particularly for vegetatively propagated horticultural species and species with recalcitrant seeds



With the support of an ICAR Ad-hoc Scheme, protocols for conserving grape genetic resources was developed at IIHR for accessions acclimatized to Indian ecosystems. It is now possible to maintain grape vitro plants for periods ranging from 6 months to 1.5 years at low temperature without an intervening sub-culture. In vitro conservation repositories involved in conservation of grape PGRs can straight away use this technology developed.

In vitro conservation protocols have been optimized for 24 species in the NATP project on Agrobiodiversity


Network Project on RET medicinal plants

Efficient in vitro systems were established for Decalepis hamiltonii, Holostemma adakodien, Oroxylum indicum, Celastrus paniculatus, , Acorus calamus, Rauvolfia serpentia. This system will be used for multiplication and in vitro conservation


Nothapodytes foetida

An efficient in vitro systems were established using embryos as explants. In vitro conservation using low temperature and low light was successful in Mapppia and upto one year the cultures could be maintained at 100C without subculture


In the institute project protocols were optimized for Jackfruit and Aegle marmelos . in short the number of accessions in different categories are given below.