In connection with the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, ICAR-IIHR Bengaluru celebrated ‘World Pulses Day’ on 10th February 2022 through virtual mode, which was attended by about 55 participants. Dr. Alok Das, Senior Scientist, ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses Research served as the chief guest and delivered a lecture entitled ‘Pulses and their Improvement for Food and Nutritional Security’. The presentation elaborated on relevance of pulse crops and current status of pulse improvement India, with special emphasis on genomic resources, advanced breeding techniques and genetic engineering of pulse crops for biotic and abiotic stress. Dr. Debi Sharma, Director (I/c), ICAR-IIHR, presided the program. After the presentation, elaborate discussions on the topic were made by the participants and the resource person. Dr. Thangam, Principal Scientist, Vegetable crops and MS. K.N.Poornima, Scientist, Basic Sciences were the coordinators of the program.