ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural research, Bengaluru celebrated World Soil Day 2022 with the message “Soils: Where food begins” on 5 December, 2022. The chief guest, Dr. J.C. Tarafdar, ICAR & UGC Emeritus Scientist and Member QRT, ICAR-IIHR, in the virtual mode, delivered a lecture on the “Role of Nano Fertilizers for Global Farming”, and dwelt at length on the importance of nano fertilizers in modern day agriculture, their developmental processes, evaluation protocols in different crops and the need for such formulations in order to enhance the nutrient retention and uptake in different crops. Dr. Debi Sharma, Director(A), in her presidential address lauded the Division of Natural Resources for arranging the function in a befitting manner and emphasised on the need for soil health in the emerging scenario of climate change. Eminent scientists from the division of Natural Resources delivered lectures on “Conservation Agriculture for restoration of Soil Health” by Dr. T.R. Rupa, “Aberrations and Adaptive Concepts in Soil Health” by Dr. G. C. Satisha, “Soil and Water Salinity – Problems and Management” by Dr. L. R. Varalakshmi and “Importance of Soil Biodiversity” by Dr. G. Selvakumar. Messages of the Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare and Director General, ICAR were read out and displayed at all prime locations in the office premises. Soil Health Cards were also distributed to the farmers during the occasion. The function, which was attended by the farmers, scientific, technical personnel of the institute, students and contractual staff, was arranged by Dr. T.R. Rupa, Head(I/C) and staff of the Division of Natural Resources.